I like the color and style she picked.
I'm so glad her friend Shane asked her to go to the prom. He is a nice boy and quite friendly to all of us.
Victoria was so happy to be able to go with him. Remember, she bought this dress and a few days later her boyfriend broke up with her? Well, she is thankful for friends and new opportunities. God is good to bring Shane into her life as a new friend.
Harrison and Nikki went to the same prom. I love both girls' dresses.
We drove to many thrift stores and finally found this tux Harrison put together. Final cost $12.00. I couldn't be more pleased.
Shane took Victoria out to dinner before the prom, so they left earlier than Harrison and Nikki.
Money was a little bit tight this month for Harrison, so they stayed for barbeque steak with us on the patio. Nikki is very easy going and was totally happy to eat with us instead of going out. She is a wonderful girl.
When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
Count your many blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done." John Oatman Jr.
Such beautiful young ladies & handsome escorts. The dresses are lovely ...
May her flag fly high & proud forever over this great land ... may God see the changes we need & grant us that blessing.
Happy 4th, sweetie.
We sing that song in church "Count Your Blessings!" Thanks for putting it in my head to sing to myself for awhile. Everyone looks so nice and Victoria is beautiful as always! Kaje' and Jake love deep purple and she'd really love these dresses. Her's was white with a deep purple sash. Jake chose a white tux with purple vest.
Isn't it nice when they can make do with less than others and be happy? Kaje' made Jake dinner for the prom and they ate it here. It made for a beautiful memory. So glad your kids are down to earth too and easily satisfied. It makes life more pleasant for them and us.
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