This year between New Year's and Christmas our family stayed in the Columbia Gorge. It was gorgeous. Garrett and Jessica were in awe over Multnomah Falls.

We stayed at a gorgeous place further up the road on the Washington side called Skamania Lodge.

The fireplace in the main great room was massive. This was so good for our family. One of the things my husband requested was to have three uninterrupted days with all of us; no friends, no boyfriends or girlfriends and just our six together and alone.

I began knitting again; one of the most relaxing hobbies for me.

Every morning I read my Bible near the huge fireplace.

There were several hot tub/spa's both indoor and outdoor.

We could see the Columbia River from this vantage point.

We were able to really talk and laugh as a family, make our goals for the year and really rest. We love having the kids' boyfriend and girlfriends with us, but we really needed this alone time.

My husband set aside time for us to write our our goals for the year. We all did this and read them to the group, promising to have them typed and turned in by the next Friday. Some of the goals for various family members were: to rekindle friendships, get driver's license, invite people over for dinner 2 times per month, learn 5 new international recipes, exercise 3 times per week, get all A's and B's, substitute teach 3 days per week and visit 3 far away places in our state.

We took a little day trip and crossed to the Oregon side. There was a beautiful hotel in Hood River called Columbia Gorge Hotel. Shirley Temple visited here when she was a little girl.

Every room, hallway, stairway and bathroom was preserved and looks much like it did in the 1920's.

I loved this round seating area. The lobby was tastefully decorated with no expense spared.

I believe touring this hotel is the closest I have come to being aboard the Titanic; not in a bad way but in a grand way. I was in awe. I felt like I was in another world. I loved it. My camera battery went dead so I was not able to get a photo of the outside entrance. I will next time because we will be coming back.

We shopped for about an hour in Hood River and stopped for coffe. I love my family.

This toy store reminded me of the bookstore in the movie "You've Got Mail." Jessica found something she wants.

We went to some thrift stores after this and I found this fun cowboy cat.

We drove down "memory lane" and saw our old house. We then stopped in at one of our favorite places, Top Burger. Camas has a town swimming pool and across the street is this burger and ice cream place. We used to come here all the time when the kids were little. What fun memories.

One last stop before heading home. This is such a guy thing. They got fire-works for celebrating New Years. Thank you for coming along on our Christmas get away with us.
Happy New Year everyone.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17
Wow, that looked like so much fun! We would love to take a trip like that some day. I remember going to Multnoma Falls when I was young and really loving it!
What a great idea to have a family get away. It looks like you were in very beautiful places and so relaxed. I think knitting and crocheting is very calming. BUT BUT...did you have ice cream in the COLD COLD weather....hmmm, maybe it isn't a bad idea after all!
Oh my, what a gorgeous place! Thanks for sharing the pictures. I bet it was a wonderful trip.
What a beautiful time of relaxing refreshment for your family!
Such a great new tradition! I love it! What a gorgeous place. It looks like you guys had a wonderful time and created awesome memories!
Love, Sharon
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