Hello again! This is day two of our fun time with my sister Sharon and her family.
Come along with us as we go to some great swimming holes and gorgeous river swimming. Here are Grayson and Rochelle and the kids driving in one of the cars.
We had a steep climb down to our first fun swimming hole. Here are Sharon and my son Garrett making their way down.
This is about all the swimming Sharon and I did. We really had more fun watching the kids jump off rocks.
This is Sharon's son Hayden on the upper rock and my son Harrison on the lower rock. They were far enough apart to jump at the same time. The water here is twenty ft. deep.
Here they go. These boys amaze me.
Sharon's legs are still cute as ever.
This is another place we went to. Looking down from the trail it looks like we are in S. America. This is a gorgeous place.
Again, very deep water. The kids amazed us with what they do.
Look how pretty the surroundings are. Here is my nephew Grayson, and his girlfriend Rochelle, and my daughters Victoria and Jessica in paradise.
My nephew Hayden ready to do a Gainer.
Sharon taking pictures of kids on the bridge.
This place is so peaceful.
Here is another spot Sharon brought us to. It is called "Wild Wood." This river has 15 ft. narrow channels that send water over in waterfalls.
They are beautiful.
Kids are always jumping from this. There are dangerous caves under these falls which have been barred off so that kids do not venture into them and die. Sadly, that has happened in the past.
Garrett watching the kids jump. Mother is right behind and ready to grab him. He only sat there 30 seconds before I gently screamed, "Come Here, Garrett." I had to take a picture first. He can swim and this picture looks worse than it really is.
Here are my children and their cousins ready to jump again and some were watching, along with my sister Sharon.
There goes Harrison, my son.
Garrett took my picture.
Then I took Garrett's picture.
He loved finding bottle caps. He is enjoying collecting them. Sharon's boys always did this. They got especially excited if they found one with a Green Hornet on it. Garrett is now looking for those.
Before I left Sunday morning. My sister showed me her recipe file. We talked about cooking and planning our meals and trying to really get a handle on our budgets and restocking our pantries. Surely their must be a good system to keep track of how much milk, potatoes, bread or spaghetti sauce our families go through in a given month. I'm so blessed to have my precious sisters Sharon, and also my other sister Kelli. The three of us try very hard to be good wives and mothers. I wish I could have stayed longer with Sharon, but it was time to go, and my husband did miss me and he needs me. Thanks for a great time Sharon. "Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me; forI am meek (power under control), and humble in heart; and you shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy and my burden is light." --- Jesus Matt. 11:29,30
What a fun day!! You are so blessed to have such a wonderful family Kathi.
This looks like a blast! It must be heavenly to have a sister like Sharon!
Kathi...I really enjoy your blog, and Sharon's too. You are so blessed to have your sisters and your abiding faith, too. Glad you had a good time with your getaway.
What a beautiful place. It's nice that cousins get on so well. I'm sure your sisters recipe box is full of good eats.
another great day together. it's so great to see all the kids getting along so well. i wish i had a big family like you all do.
That place is BEAUTIFUL!! What a great spot to hang out. I miss my childhood days spent in the river next to our house.
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