Wednesday, July 2, 2008

God Sent A Dog For Frightened Margaret

This is my Grandma Margaret When she was about the age of 25. She told me this true story of what the Lord did for her when she was a young girl working at a bakery. Each morning she had to walk to work alone in the dark, in the big city. She had to be at the bakery at 4:00 am. Down the dark streets she would walk all alone.
On one of those mornings a bad man grabbed her and tried to force her into his car. Grandma resisted him and got away. He drove away and police could not find him. The police walked or drove Grandma to her job for about two weeks. They couldn't keep doing this, so they told her she'd have to walk alone again in the dark. Grandma was so frightened that she prayed and asked the Lord to protect her.
In the morning at her front door a big white fluffy dog was waiting. He walked Grandma to the bakery. When they got to the door of the shop, the dog kept going. Grandma said the dog came every morning, and walked on past the bakery just as the day before. This went on week after week, with each day being the same. The dog was never seen any other time of day. Grandma said she was never afraid with the big white dog walking beside her. When she quit her job, the dog was no longer needed, so he was never again sent to her door. God sent that dog to give a young girl visible and tangible reassurance that she was safe and God was watching over her. I think it's so sweet that God sent a white fluffy one who wagged his tail, so she wouldn't be afraid of the dog or of being grabbed. Grandma said the dog was huge. Whether we can see a dog or not, God is with us where ever we go."How great is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you, which you bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in you. In the shelter of your presence you hide them." Psalm 31:19-20


Jan Parrish said...

What an awesome story of God's faithfulness!

Anonymous said...

Ohh my goodness... Kathi, this is an awesome post about your beautiful Grandmother. I'm sitting here with chills all over my body! I can just barely imagine the fear she must have had when the police told her that they could no longer escort her to her job. Bless her heart! And then to find that precious angel~dog sent to her from God... such a lovely example of the countless ways our Father works through others, people and animals, to show us He is always with us! Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful family story with us... God bless...



luvmy4sons said...

That is an amazing story. Wow. thanks for sharing it!

Rose of Sharon said...

I remember hearing that story, but I never knew all the details. I never knew that a man actually tried to grab her and force her in a car! I did not know that the dog was white and fluffy. How amazing! We have an awesome and powerful God! Isn't this story just so comforting! Praise the Lord. I just love grandma so much, I wish I could visit with her now. I know some day we will be able to visit with her and grandpa and all our other relatives who have passed on.

Have a great day today!

Love ya, Sharon

Kelly said...

She is beautiful, when I saw the picture I immediately saw you in her eyes.......and the message is one we need to always remember....This is one I find I am telling my children often, that he is there always, whether seen or not. Thank you for sharing a part of you with us.

Love and Hugs,

kari and kijsa said...

What an incredible story...what a great God we serve!

Have a blessed and wonderful day!

smiles, kari & kijsa

pam said...

Good reminder that we can not even imagine how God will provide or meet a need. I certainly would not have thought of a big dog as her companion. God is so creative and we need to remember that---when we can't even imagine how He will answer. Cool story of your heritage to be able to share with your kids. We must keep track of such stories to keep them passed on---remembering the faithfulness of God. Thanks for sharing it.

Elena said...

This is a wonderful account of faith and God's love. I read it to my husband before he went to work and he really was blessed by it too!

Connie said...

What a beautifully encouraging story, Kathi. What an awesome God we have! Not only has your grandmother passed on to you her radiant "outer" beauty...she's passed on her inner beauty and her love for the Lord by telling you that story. Consider yourself doubly blessed.

christa jean said...

Oooh, I got chills too! And a little teary eyed. God sent to her a lovely angel in doggy form. Such a grand reminder of the verse, "I will never leave you nor forsake you..."

I think your words about praying for one's enemy were perfect! And very Biblically based. Isn't that THE most difficult thing to do, pray for blessings on the one who we have been hurt by?! But each prayer will change us. And that is probably God's goal anyway!

bless you today!

Gathering Hope said...

God is awesome..and I love the verse too.
Your gramma was sent a fluffy long as she needed him.
love to you..deena

Anonymous said...

April loves shoes and always has..I think it is great she gets a daughter just like her.
I loved your story. We have a dog that looks just like this.It has a large growth that has come up on it's leg and we are waiting on surgery. She is so good at protecting our home,but would never bite a soul.

nannykim said...

What a great story. These are the kinds of stories we should pass on to our kids and grandkids etc. I think it would be cool for each family to keep a family journal of how God worked in their family's life. Ways He answered prayer, or provided or protected that we could pass down to our children and the next generation a testiment of our God's greatness and faithfulness to our individual family.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful, uplifting story. I'm sharing it with my children!

Momstheword said...

Beautiful story! God is so good. I posted about my angel squirrels on my blog at The timing was perfect then too.

Momstheword said...

A beautiful story! God is so good. He provided me with some angel squirrels some years ago. I posted it on my blog at


Hi Kathi,
What a wonderful story about God's provision:) Yes, He is faithful. It's also awesome that your Grandmother shared her faith with you. That's my pray for my Granddaughter. Warmly, Deb

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

That is a wonderful story. Thank you so much for sharing it.

candy said...

Great story :)
Happy 4th of July to you!

Cottage Contessa said...

This is such an awesome story Kathi! It gave me a mix of goose bumps and comfort. I have a story of something silimar to this that happened to me a very long time ago when I was 18yrs old, and it still haunts me now 18 years later. God is awesome! Hugs for you sweetie.
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Kathi, I enjoyed this story so much! The picture is great!

Thanks so much for your encouraging support & prayers during our crisis with David! He is doing great! :)

Happy 4th! ~hugs, Rhonda

Sondra said...

That is such a wonderful story. I guess Angels come in all forms!

onlymehere said...

I believe this with all my heart. Sometimes God answers prayers in the most amazing way. Thank you for sharing this. Cindy

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathi... I just wanted to stop by and wish you and your loved ones a happy and safe 4th of July! I am sure y'all are up to something FUN and I'm looking forward to hearing about it! My guys are uptown at the festivities and will hopefully bring me back a treat! I think I heard them mention something about cooking burgers tonight... ~fingers crossed~ LOL... ok, Sweetie, I am off to find some dreams in a nap... will catch up with you later... God bless...


BittersweetPunkin said...

Wow...neat story!!Happy 4th!! I hope you have a great weekend!!

Lisa Petrarca said...

Thank you for sharing that amazing story. So many times in my life when I felt alone, scared or prayers would be answered. Not always in the way I was hoping or expecting...but always answered in God's way, who knows what's best for me.

I will be sharing this story with my "Brady Bunch" family!

Charlotte said...

What a marvelous testimony. Thanks for sharing.

Liz Harrell said...

What a wonderful story Kathi!

j said...

Goose Bumps! I just got goose bumps reading that!

Praise the Lord!

And now, all of these years later, you are telling the story and blessing the hearts of many. God WORKS!


Rosemary said...

oh wow, what a neat story, it gave me goosebumps :) I just found your blog from Sharons. I have to say i enjoy both of your blogs very much, and you live in a beautiful place :)


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