
Friday, August 25, 2023

The Word of Our God Stands Forever

Hi Dear Readers, How have you been? 
Summer is nearly over. Fall begins in a week and a day, and I return to work. God has been good to me. I had a wonderful summer with my family. I am going through a difficult trial right now, but I am seeking the Lord and I feel his presence. He is teaching me to trust Him and His Word, which lasts forever. 

"The grass withers and the flower fades, but the Word of our God stands forever." Isaiah 40:7
 ~                                                       Blessings, Kathi


Anonymous said...

Hello Kathi I’ve wondered how you’ve been? And your sister Sharon? I followed her blog for many years too. I as well am going through the most challenging time of my life regarding health issues for my husband and myself. Perhaps we can pray for each other? I will keep you in pray🙏🏼 Take care and say hello to your sister Sharon🥰 God bless you

Anonymous said...

Hello again! I just realized maybe my name wasn’t on my last text! So sorry!
Bless you from Darlene from Ca❤️

Tracy said...

Hi Kathi! I was trying to find someone who still had copies of my grandmothers tapes (I am Shirley Price's Granddaughter!) and just came across your blog! I am compiling all of her past lessons with her books and redoing them to try to get them in the hands of more amazing women who want to learn to be Godly wives and moms! Can you send me an email to tracymoorephoto@gmail.com so we can connect? I have her basic series but am trying to track down more from her advanced series. Thanks so much!

Kathi said...

Hi Tracy, I am sorry I did not see your comment until just now. I do not have the tapes any longer of Shirley Price series on God's Plan for the Wife and Mother.
I have a disk that my former pastor made me years ago from the old tapes.
Have you been able to find the tapes  of your grandmother, Shirley Price?  I wish you well in your pursuit to reprint and re-record her wonderful series.
Please reach out if you need my assistance. I believe the books are word-for-word of her tapes.
Sincerely, Kathi


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