
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Helping Our Parents

The girls and I are off to help my parents today. We are looking forward to being together and helping Grammy and Grandpa.
As our parents age they begin to need our help more and more. This is natural and it is good for us who have the strength and energy to help them, just like they took care of us when we were small.
We first stop to get a fun drink and then head down the road together. I love my parents and find great joy in helping them. I like teaching my girls to do this and they are happy to do it.
Jessica takes care of the dusting.
She also finds grandpa's hats and tries them on.
Victoria vacuums with care and speed.
Jessica found my dad's Navy hat so I tried it on. I'm proud of my dad for his four years of service to our country.
While she was cleaning, Victoria found an old camera. Since she has taken three terms of photography, she was quite interested. Grandpa showed her all about it.
Then he surprised her and said she could have it. She was so appreciative, and thanked him over and over again. She loves it. We had a really good visit and are now in the habit of regular cleaning and helping. It's something we look forward to and are planning to continue. I'm so thankful for my parents and very glad to help them. “Honor your father and mother -which is the first commandment with a promise— so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.” Ephesians 6:2-3

1 comment:

Rose of Sharon said...

That's so nice that you guys went over there to help them. It looks like a really fun day!

Love, Sharon


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