I saw this lemon juice and aspirin facial, which cost just pennies, on TV. I tried it and it seems to be working. My skin looks and feels so soft and smooth.

I have an aspirin paste made with one 2 tsp. of lemon juice and about 10 aspirin tablets (not clear coated, as you want these to break down for you). I found mine at the dollar store. Create a paste and spread over face. Leave on for 3 to 5 minutes.

The paste will look something like this, which I've put on my hand. When doing this to your face please keep away from your eyes.

After the 3 to 5 minutes rinse with a mixture of warm water and 2 T. of baking soda. It will bubble up on your skin like it is doing here on my hand. Please be sure to close your eyes.

Try it for yourself and see what you think. According to the directions I was supposed to do this 2 times per week, but my skin is too tender and once a week is better for me. God bless you today.
"So (Naaman)went down and dipped seven times in the Jordan, according to the saying of the man of God; and his flesh was restored like the flesh of a little child, and he was clean." 2 Kings 5:14
This seems simple enough for me, as I am always trying to fight this age thing. lol.
Enjoyed your post of time you and Sharon spent together, sisters are the greatest, and isn't amazing how we are able to learn from each other.
Enjoy your week.
I need to try this!
I like to use just a bit of olive oil on my face after washing. It sounds like it would leave your face oily but it does not. When your face is damp from rinsing put a drop or two in your hands and rub together then rub on your face in upward strokes. it really works and it cost just pennies. It is something I always have on hand.
Wow! this sounds like a great idea that I should try. xo rachel
Thanks for the tip and the great pictures to illustrate. I should try it. I certainly can use some help in that area. LOL
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