I might look like I know what I am doing, but I don't. I fell on this ice right after this photo; flat on my rear, not hurt, but my pride was. This morning, I was disappointed in the unkindness coming out of the mouth and mannerism of one of my children. This child whom I thought I had instilled sensitivity, gentleness and kindness, spoke harshly, critically, cruelly and judgmentally about an unattractive student at school. My child was not sorry for speaking this way and we ended up in an argument before school. As a mother I am troubled and discouraged. I am going to drop to my knees and pray over this matter. I pray that my child will be sensitive and loving, with godly sorrow for these thoughts; even though they were not said to the person, they were expressed in our home and are in my child's heart. I also pray for my relationship with this one will be restored and we'd have good communication. As a mom I tried to install tenderheartedness within my children as they were growing up. To see this makes me take a step back and wonder what happened. I pray that there is still hope for a change of heart and true conviction.
"Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phillipians 4:5-7 I will see you later. I'm going to go pray right now. Have a blessed day Dear Mothers. I will let you know how things go.
I hear your heart loud and clear. We have talks about this very sort of thing, too.
Stay strong. God listens loud and clear.
I remember having my heart break a time or two on something similar to this. All I could do was pray and hoped that I did enough.
Keeping you in my prayers.
Stopping in to send my love, and to let you know just like Sweet Cottage Dreams said God hears us loud and clear. Just continue to let him lead you dear friend and he will fix it all in good time.
I'm sorry Kathi. Have hope, this is a passing thing. Stay strong and stay on them, but remember that they know right from wrong and they are on their own journey. Pray that the Lord will reveal to them how wrong these thoughts and words are. I know all four of your kids and they all have sweet hearts. I'm sure this is some kind of a phase or something. I pray it gets resolved.
Love, Sharon
Ice Skating is NOT my thing. I've tried a few times and faile miserably!
Children can be cruel and I'm sure your child is exposed to tons of it in this world. We teach and lead but sometimes they stray. Prayers going out for you and your child.
Oh my our children can really keep us on our knees. I pray for mine constantly that they will embrace Jesus Christ with all their heart. I know you do too! xo rachel
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