My sister Sharon and her husband Eric have a beautiful home. Each year they have a neighborhood party and then occasionally they host our family Christmas. We all take turns. This year it was at her house. I love the way she decorates.

My sister Kelli, me and Sharon's daughter-in-law Brittany.

We played the white elephant game. Eric got a cell phone from the early 1990's. It's as big as a brick.

Harrison's girlfriend Nikki was able to join us. It's her turn now.

Brittany's turn.

We were so happy that Whitney, my niece, could come home from college. Here she is with her dad Ralph.

My Dad and his sons-in-law. We are so thankful Daddy could come. Last year at this time he was in the hospital, and also in the hospital this year at Thanksgiving. Before we ate and played the game, my dad told the Christmas story. We have it on video so we can watch it again. All the grand kids listened and it was very special.

Sharon's son Cameron and his girlfriend Megan were able to come.

Gabriel was able to come too. It looks like he and our daughter Victoria were getting plenty to eat.

Some of our delicious food. My mother made a really good spinach quiche. God has been so good to us. We have so many blessings to thank Him for. May God bless you and your families.
Just beautiful. I loved all the pictures!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Kathi!!!
Dear Kathi,
Awhile back I was catching up on some of my favorite blog sites and I came across your post on Teaching the Days of Creation. At the time I thought I'd love to try this with the children at our Sunday school. I did end up using this craft and the children loved it! Thanks for this wonderful idea!
God bless and Happy New Year!
Such wonderful pictures of a joyous family Christmas.
Happy New Year to you and yours Kathi. hugs,Linda
It was such a special Christmas! The Lord has indeed blessed our family!
Love you!
I love the 1990's phone. What a wonderful white elephant gift!
Oh! Kathi, what a wonderful family Christmas, and it was wonderful to see your dad there too! The video is a treasure beyond words.
May the Lord continue to bless you and your family this new year.
Much love, Sue
Hi Kathi!!
What a beautiful Christmas you had. That table is WOWWEE!!! :)
Happy New Year, and here is to another fun year of blogging!
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