Dear Wives and Mothers, I want to share with you one of the best teaching series I've heard of for teaching women to be godly wives and mothers. This is an audio teaching series by Shirley Price called "God's Plan For the Wife & Mother." My church had this available when I was a young mother of three babies. I'm so thankful for the many things she taught about being a wise mother and godly wife.
Over the years I have tried to find this tape series so that I could listen again and share with my friends. After much searching nothing seemed available. I would gladly buy the set again if I could. I contacted the pastor from our church in our old town and was delighted to find that he still had the tape set & gladly made an mp3 CD for me. I'm enjoying her lessons all over again and realize I am a much better wife & mother than I would have been had I not applied the Scripture and wisdom she taught.
Shirley speaks clearly and straight forward. She is not afraid to speak the truth with grace and humor.
I love it that she herself went through disillusionment with her own marriage until she made all of her "DIS's" change to "HIS." She took the 'D' off of dis and put an 'H.' For example my "disappointments" become His (God's) appointments. My discouragements become His encouragements. She is loaded with mature Christian wisdom, as she did not begin teaching these lessons until her own children were grown.
I will be sharing little lessons from Shirley's series as time permits me to do so. Please let me know if her teachings are still available in your area or if you know if her daughters and granddaughters have continued selling them. May God bless you today. Here is another quote from Shirley "If we're going to copy God, then we have to know what He is like. We learn that from the Bible. For example, the Psalms are loaded with descriptions of God: He is our law, He is our refuge, He is our Shield, He is our Glory and Sustainer.
Everything God is to you, you are to be to your children. You are to be their law. The saddest children in the world are children who have no law in their homes. You are being terribly unfair to your children when you fail to let them know what you expect of them. One day you adhere to the law, the next you let it slip..." I praise God for the privilege of owning a copy of her teaching and gladly look forward to sharing with you wives and mothers. Love, Kathi
Kathy, I was just perusing your blog and was reading the previous post about the loss of children so let me tell you a story.
Here in Idaho, there is a family who lost a child when the father backed over her with the tractor several years ago. Then just a few years ago, three of their children were heading out to early morning seminary in december when their car with them and another teenager in it went off the road into a pond and all of the teens were killed. So they lost 4 of their children in a few years.
The hard part? Their father was the bishop of their ward and he had to conduct (or chose to conduct which is a normal function of a bishop in the LDS church), the services of those children. I cried and cried when I thought of how absolutely devastating that might be for him and his wife. But they know they can all be together again as a family and that kept them going.
Then many years ago there was another tragedy when the father and 4 kids went on an airplane ride for the dad's birthday. Mom decided to not go. It crashed and she lost her entire family in one fell swoop. I can't even imagine something like this happening, sweetpea, but again, she knew they'd all be together again as a family and that kept them going.
I'm so very sorry about your friends. As I said, I can't even imagine. Give her hugs for me.
Love your new header pic! This sounds like some good stuff! Awesome! Blessings sweet sister.
I would love to listen to this series sometime. It sounds interesting if you get anymore copies.
I'm looking forward to this very much!Thanks for sharing:)
I love Shirley Price! Her teachings changed my life!!! There were several things I learned from her, but the main thing was to submit to my husband and to do this cheerfully. This is God's way and God's ways work! It sure worked in my life! Also, pray for Godly wisdom because He does give it and He gave it to me all the years I was raising my kids.
I hope you can send me two copies one for my friend and one for me! <3
Love you sister!!!!
These tapes were instrumental in my growth in Jesus Christ. I was raised in the church and asked Jesus into my heart when I was 9 years old. I never really grew as a Christian and often wondered if there wasn't more to the Chrisian life. After marrying at the age of 21 in 1981 I started attending a Bible Study and we listened to these tapes by Shirley Price. The main thing I took away from them was that I had to be in God's Word and I began reading the KJV version but I struggled with it until I shared my struggle with one of the women in the Bible study and she loaned me her Living Bible. I began to read in John and Jesus Christ came to life. He was all I could think about. I went to sleep thinking about him and I woke thinking about him. I fell in love with Jesus and that love lead me into a whole new world. The years that followed were filled with great sorrow over multiple miscarriages and infertility. But during my darkest days I was lifted up and experience the greatest joy ever. Nine years later I finally gave birth to a precious baby girl and after two more miscarriages we adopted a precious baby boy. Those nine years refined me and nailed down my faith in Jesus Christ. He is who he says he is and more. Praise God
Can you please let me know how I can get a copy of the "God's Plan for the Wife and Mother" by Shirley Price; MP3 or CD. Thank you.
Kathy, I just came upon your blog and am letting you know that I am one of Shirley Price's daughters, Sherie, and have recently had her Basic Series tapes transferred to an MP3 for my family. I had no idea that her material is still being used. My Dad handled the tape ministry from the beginning and then following his death in 1993 I took it over until 2000. Interest had seemed to slow and my husband passed away after a 7-month battle with Acute Leukemia in Aug. 1999. He had wanted me to move to the Colorado Springs area of CO to be closer to my sisters so when God opened the door for me to move into a home down the street from my youngest sister in Palmer Lake, CO I moved in Feb. of 2000 and left the bulk of the ministry with the man who was producing the tapes. He has since moved out of state and I no lonter have contact with him. I brought a small amount of the tapes & books with me to CO but no longer have most of them. I remarried in 2003 to an Evangelical Free Church Pastor from No. IL and when he retired from full-time ministry we moved out to So. CA and are living in So. Orange County. Praise God His Word never goes out of date which would be why my Mom's ministry is still being used these 40+ years after her death!! May God continue to bless your family with the truths of His Word.
Sherie, Thank you for writing to me. Your mother has changed so many of our lives here in Oregon. We have taken to heart, your mother's sound godly advice, which was based on the Scriptures. May God bless your family. Kathi
Is it still possible to download a mp3 link anywhere now?
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