Thursday, April 23, 2009

A Visit To My Dear Sister's House

Every so often I need to be with my sisters. I love them both so much. I have two of them; Kelli and Sharon. On this trip I will get to see my younger sister Sharon. Come along with me while I drive to meet her at a restaurant. I heard Sharon was feeling a little blue! No time to vacuum that dirt on the car mat, my sister needs me. Fasten your seatbelts. Let's go! I asked my husband if I could go and he said, "Yes" and wanted me to spend time with her. He took the kids on a bike ride and got a pizza. They were all doing great, so I felt good about leaving over night.
I'm concerned for my lil' sis, but I know it's not too serious and that we'll end up laughing and encouraging each other, so I'm happy. Can you tell? Sharon and I met for lunch for hamburgers and curly fries. We stayed and stayed until they closed. We didn't even know they had closed, we were so absorbed in conversation. It was wonderful to talk uninterupted for a long period of time. Sharon is such a blessing to me and a joy. Hey, spirits lifted; hearts lighter; it's time to shop!
Where else, but to the thrift shops. We always find treasures and great buys. We've done this for years, it's a wonderful tradition. These kinds of stores are where we have found most of our "How to Be A Good Wife and Mother" type books, which I will talk about in a second.
Two of Sharon's son's Hayden, and Grayson helped me to get Internet on my lap top, so I could blog. They are both kind and responsible boys. I'm proud of them.
Grayson had this stack of books to help him write his senior paper. The one on top says quantum physics. Look how cute Sharon's kitchen is in the background.
I know most of you have seen her gorgeous bedroom so I didn't take pictures, but I must show this beautiful lamp. It reminds me of one we had growing up, only even prettier with the crystals. I hope I can find a similar one some day.
I just love Sharon's bookshelves. They are filled with books about being a good wife and mother from a godly perspective. She and I have collected our books over the years at used bookstores and Goodwill. We both love learning how to please our husbands and love our children. She said this one helped her when she began working from home. We look for books with Scripture written by godly women. We both have shelves of these books, which we have actually read and highlighted, and some day plan to pass on to our daughters and daughter-in-laws.
I love the way Sharon adds little figurines and doilies to her bookshelves. She even has a card catalogue. We stayed up late talking and watched a suspenseful movie another son, Cameron. By the time I left we were both feeling refreshed and comforted. I gained new ideas and shared a few of my own with her. We talked about the Lord and prayed together. I'm so thankful for my sister.
Sharon had a special meeting with her "Bag Ladies" and had to leave early in the morning. I snapped this photo of her as she was leaving. She always brings a little hostess gift. She's so thoughtful. This was a short visit, but priceless to me for the joy and benefits I received from my sweet sister. I think she was feeling better too. In the old days I would have brought all my children with me, but they are bigger now and I feel that they don't need me there at all times, like when they were tiny. They love doing fun things with Dad too. Thank you for coming along with me to my sister's house. "God's favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning." Psalm 30:5


Rose of Sharon said...

That was such a great, spcecial time Kathi! Thank you for being there for me! I know that you perked me up so much and I am feeling so, so much better! I love you so much and appreciate you so much! I am so very thankful that we have had these wonderful times together for the past 16 years!

I hope that you have a wonderful day today!

I love you!

Rose of Sharon said... little correction, it is not Bag the Ladies, it is just Bag Ladies. LOL! Bag the Ladies sounds like we are out hunting down and trying to wipe out ladies! LOL!

Love you!

onlymehere said...

I'm really glad you got a day out with your sister. I have six sisters (five living) but we're not close at all. I'm so much younger than them. I always wanted that but I do have an aunt who I'm very close to that I can sit and talk to for hours. I'm glad your sister is such a comfort and support to you and you to her. Cindy

Jocelyn said...

BAg the Ladies !!!

I thought that was funny too!!!!

I wish my sisters lived closer.

You are so lucky to have them close by!

Linda said...

Sisters are such a blessing from God! I love both of mine so much too!

It was nice of you to be able to spend time with Sharon. From reading her blog, I know she's been down. I'm sure your visit helped lift her spirits so much.

Kathi said...

Oops, Sorry Sharon. That is a funny mistake. I'll fix it right now. Love ya, Kathi

Heather said...

sounds like a great visit. you both have wonderful children! and you're so blessed to have each other and another sister!

the said...

Im so glad you got to spend some time together.... cherish those moments! Im an only child and have never had that sort of bond, so I love reading what you do and it makes me so happy for you both :)
Take Care,

Sue said...

Hi Kathi,
Got one just like her, I think I will keep mine, how about you?It sure looks like you both had a great time.

Now about those shoes, you can pass them along to me, very pretty!!
Thank you for sharing.

Debra said...

Hey new blogging buddy, I gave you an award, if you'd like to come by and check it out. :)

Jen said...

What a sweet blessing!

A Romantic Porch said...

That is so sweet. It makes me want to cry! xorachel

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathi...
This was such a touching post about love between sisters... I'm so glad that you 'n Sharon were able to spend some time together, and that y'all came away feeling refreshed and comforted. My only sister lives very far away from me. We only get to see each other once every 2 or 3 years... I miss her, terribly. I hope you're doing well... I think of you often...
God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~

Unknown said...

What a special post. I have one sister, but there is no relationship (she is not a believer, and it bothers her that I am one). This blessed me to read it.


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