Monday, April 20, 2009

Tulips Are Here and So is Spring Cleaning

Spring is popping up all over. Today our tulips opened. It's a glorious sight.
Miss Daily, (my little puppet helper), and I, went to school this morning and taught kindergarten.
She is such a big help to me. I love her because the children think she's real. They get excited whenever I bring her to school. Best of all they obey her.
Tomorrow is my spring cleaning day. Here's the way I like to mop. I use hot water from my deep sink in the laundry room, and squeeze the mop really well. I spray the floor with diluted wood floor soap and damp mop the flooor.
I use old towels to dry the floor. Water is a wood floor's enemy, so I do my best to keep them dry.
I think this lady is taking her spring cleaning too far. I want my house to be clean, but not to this extreme. There is a verse in the Bible found in Proverbs 31 that states that the lady in the story had servants to help her with all her cooking and cleaning. I used to feel sorry for myself because I didn't have servants like she did. Laine from Laine's Letters pointed out that we do have servants. We have automatic dishwashers, hot and cold water from the faucet, bread machines, washer and dryer for the clothes, and ovens that turn on in a second. I have so many automatic gadgets to make my job easier. I should be thanking God for them. Not complaining. Okay so I'm gonna start whistling while I work. I'll let you know if the birds and mice begin helping me like they did Snow White. None the less I'm sure the work will go much faster if I whistle, and I'm sure I'll crack a smile, even though there is weeding to do too.
"Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men." Colossians 3:23


Jan Parrish said...

Great post and fun music to go along with it.

Joyfulsister said...

Hi Kathi
((((Hugz)))) Oh you're tulips are so beautiful!!!! I love them so much. The only way I can have tulips here is to buy them from the grocery store lol. Hope you are having spring blessings, I was thinking of you and I just had to come over and give you a big hugz.

Can you spring clean my home too lol.

luvmy4sons said...

You go girl! And they shall rise up and call her blessed!

Heather said...

so true- whistling does make the work seem fun and go by quickly. i'll whistle for you over here :)

Rose of Sharon said...

What a cute post Kathi! I love the pictures and music. I believe that whistling while you work is a very good idea!

Tell Harrison that Grayson really wants him to come spend the night this weekend. He's going to text him.

Love, Shar

Linda said...

Your tulips are beautiful! I'm Spring cleaning your music...I feel like dancing...Hugs, Linda

Molly's Art Designs said...

Thanks for your sweet comments. I love the tulips!!! I love your little puppet--I miss working with little children! I can tell you are a special teacher! The song is so cute--I'll have to play it while I am spring cleaning this week! Bless you-

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathi...
It was such a blessing to hear from you... thank you for visiting ♥

Your tulips are simply breathtaking! I just Love Springtime and all of the lovely flowers 'n blossoms in different colors... Always enjoy seeing photos of you at school... what a wonderful idea with your puppet! No wonder the children all love having you in class... I think you're terrific and a blessing to the youth!

Hope your cleaning went well, and that you never stop whistling... it's such a cheerful sound! You remain in my heart 'n prayers, and I think of you often, my friend...
God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~

April ~ AUTISM Awareness Month~

Unknown said...

I love your little tutorials. So much help!

A Hint of Home said...

Thanks for your visit, sweet comments, and for your prayers concerning our daughter.
I enjoyed your post today. We are truly blessed with all the modern appliances today.
Have a great week.

Debbie J said...

That's the way I mop too. I rinse the mop in the sink with very hot water instead of dipping it into a bucket.

Similar mop too!


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