I wasn't thinking right and went to urgent care rather than my own doctor, who would've worked me in without an appointment. It just didn't occur to me, as the last three times I had need of a doctor it was with a feverish child with a sore throat after hours. My car automatically drove to urgent care. After four hours I was seen by a doctor. It dawned on me when the nurse said, "Oh, you are a patient of Dr. So and So." Then I realized I could have been out of here hours ago. "Duh." Yes, I did feel sorry for myself, but the Lord brought to my mind how good I have it. Some women walk for days to reach a clinic. They sit or stand in crowded conditions with horrid odors and high temperatures. When she got there was there fresh water to drink? In my case there were a handful of people in the waiting room with me, but not crowded. People kept walking in and getting seen ahead of me because they had been given a beeper. They were allowed to leave and come back after four hours, something I stupidly hadn't noticed until my third hour. I had no flies landing on me or terrible odors. I had fresh water to drink, carpet and nice furniture, magazines to read, and just the right temperature. I can't imagine what women in Africa put up with in hopes of getting help; many in extreme pain and with children in tow. They may have waited several days to be seen. I did feel a bit sorry for myself, but I had the time to think about how really good we US citizens have it. Soon I had my medicine. I began thanking God that I was home in my own bed within six hours, with the comfort of my family waiting on me. Not so, for the dear woman in that waiting area in Ethiopia or Uganda. She had to walk back home, if she could indeed walk, and in extreme pain, with children in tow. I wonder how many women die needlessly from this condition, which is easily corrected with antibiotics; and pain relief is a pill away. I thank God for what I have and that I am blessed by how quickly I am treated and relieved of something like this. I hope you dear blogging friends have a wonderful day today.
"Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Bless your precious heart and your sick body. We are so greatly blessed and often take for granted all we have come just to expect each day. It is good to remember that others do not even have our basics! I pray you are well soon. Jesus please touch her and make her well. You alone are the God of all flesh and our Great Physician. Thank You for Your mercy and Your grace!
Kathi, I hope you get better soon~take care and rest!
I'm so glad you're on your meds and being taken care of! You are right we have it pretty good!
Take Care!
Hi Kathi,
Sorry you are not feeling well, I am praying for you to be up and about soon.
Yes, we here in this country are so blessed and I sometimes think we most definitely take so much for granted.
Just reading this post makes me ashamed of myself and how I seem to forget about all of the needless suffering in this world. Thank you so much for reminding me today, I have got something to really think about this evening.
Oops, I almost forgot . thank you for sharing this cheesecake recipe,it looks so good.I owe my brother-in-law a dessert for working on my computer and he loves cheesecake, I will try it for him.
I hope you start to feel better soon :)
I am so sorry you are not well. I hope you get to feeling better real quick. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Take care and don't rush things.
Kathi...thanks for the timeliness of your post. I was taken by ambulance to the hospital last week with a herniated disc. Yes...I have been in terrible pain (and I was feeling sorry for myself), but I have plenty of help in the form of loved ones to make me comfortable and it will get better with all the available healthcare we have here in the U.S.
I thank God for that, and I wish you a speedy recovery as well.
Have a wonderful day....
Thank you everyone for praying for me. I'm beginning to feel better already. Kathi
Hi Kathi,
I am so sorry that you were sick. I sure hope you didn't pick it up here at my house! I'm glad to read your comment that you are feeling better. Did they tell you what was wrong? There's some scary stuff going around, so we need to take care of ourselves. I agree that we should be so very thankful for our healthcare here in America. We are truly blessed.
Hugs, Sharon
Kathi, I hope you are better. What an awesome perspective you had with your wait in the Dr. office. xo rachel
I love this post. My grandmother had a heart attack while visiting Russia and the hospitals were atrocious!
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