Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wordless Wednesday with a few Words: Young Mother, Call Grandma

When I had three small children all in a row. I felt a bit overwhelmed. Grandma to the rescue!! Thank you Grandma Vivian. We love you. Note: My parents Leonard and Shirley came to my rescue many many times, but I couldn't resist posting this photo today. It was taken spring 1995. Young mother if you are feeling overwhelmed call grandma or an elderly lady from your church to come over for a visit to help and to encourage you. The Lord cares how you feel, and knows your needs. Have a blessed day. "He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might He increaseth strength." Isaiah 40:29


Heather said...

that is precious!

Rose of Sharon said...

What a great picture! That is so funny! I am so thankful to have had the help from our mother and from Eric's mother. I hope that I'll be a good grandma and help my kids with their kids too!

Love you! Sharon

luvmy4sons said...

I remember when my fourth came and I was home with a 6, 4, 1 1/2 year old and a new born...I would call hubby and say ,"Help!" How did we ever get through it? LOL! Wonderful grandma you have there. What a great picture!

The Knutz Family said...

I remember those days. Remember when your baby girl screamed endlessly? My next pregnancy I spent on my knees praying against colic for the little squirt in my womb. I just couldn't imagine going through that. You were such a young, loving, faithful mother who did her best with every single day. I miss the days we spent so much time together with our little ones. When I think to those days gone by, you are there in my memories. I love you Kathi.

PS I am doing a wee bit better today. Have stopped throwing up atleast, the other end continues, am very weak. Mike is taking good care of me.

Judy said...

What a special picture...and I so remember those days when I felt like I couldn't do it anymore. What great advice for young mothers.

Sue said...

Great post today and yesterday, so timely.Thank you for sharing.

Sue said...

Great post today and yesterday, so timely.Thank you for sharing.

Dana said...

I admire every woman with more than one child especially when they are small. I have two and they are 8 years apart

Connie said...

oh I remember those days...except my support system was 8 hours away. How I would have loved to have experienced mothers' words of advice. What a wonderful idea, Kathi.

A Romantic Porch said...

What a priceless photo! xo rachel

Happy@Home said...

That picture is so cute and good advice for those overwhelming days.

Thanks for your recent visit & sweet comments.

Cottage Contessa said...

Terrific photo Kathi, and a great post! I don't know what I would have done with out my mum when our daughter was little, that's for sure! Have a lovely weekend sweetie!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathi... What an adorable photo! Like so many others, I also recall those days long ago when I gladly would pass one of my babies over to his Grandma's experienced, loving arms. Thank you for reminding new mothers that it's ok to feel overwhelmed at times, and it's ok to seek help... None of us are truly a "Super-Mom"... Lovely Scripture choice...

God bless...

~hugs, love ♥ 'n prayers~



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