Saturday, February 21, 2009

Walking By Faith

In the winter you don't see fruit on the trees. You know that there will be fruit in the summer because you have pruned, sprayed, and fertilized them. God brings sunshine and rain, and the bees do their part. So it is with children. Sometimes it's hard to see the fruit, yet there is hope for a harvest. We have nurtured and taught them, disciplined and loved them. We pray for our children and watch them as they begin to near the adult years.
As a mother, it's hard for me to wait, on the Lord and trust and believe that He will help me. It's so much easier to fret, stew and worry. Why do I keep doing this? Okay, I will tell you part of this, but not all because it involves one of my kids. One of my kids is out with some friends at a dance. This child has been taught right from wrong. This child is with kids who are friends, but not necessarily Christians friends. Since I began to worry over this, I asked my husband to pray with me. After praying for our child to be safe, protected, to have fun, to stand strong and do what is right, I felt peaceful. Soon, I began to fret again. I decided to get my Bible and read the TRUTH. aloud. "Blessed is the man who makes the Lord his trust." Psalm 40:4 "Why art thou castdown, oh my soul? Why art thou disquieted within me? Hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise Him, Who is the health of my countenance, and my God." Psalm 42:11


Cindy said...

Hi Kathi....I needed to read this post now. Seems lately I have been struggling with this where my children are concerned. Thanks. Have a blessed Sunday!

pam said...

Being a mom can be hard some days. Every year during the winter I watch the heavy buds on trees and bushes and God speaks to me about what is in waiting. The new growth is already there...just waiting to emerge at the right now...but it's there even if we don't see it.
I had good friends in college, kind of the mentors for we young marrieds; they always told us to concentrate on our relationship with God first and then we would be the best mate and parent we could be...some days our momma's hearts are tugged mightily...but He is faithful...we just need to breathe His feet.
Hope you have a grand week Kathi!

luvmy4sons said... I DUNDERSTAND this post. I posted the same idea on Monday called Release...I do it with my 17 year old because of his are not alone. I know it is a lack of trust in God to give me good things...and unbelief in His goodness, in His love...oh how it must grieve Him that I can't rest in Him...but I AM getting better. Hugs to you sister.

Elena said...

Oh Kathi you have such a wonderful heart for your kids! The Lord will help you and your children in all things of thier lives. I know the Lord is faithful and hears us when we call. God bless you, Elena

Heather said...

thanks for sharing this verse. happy Sunday to you!

Rose of Sharon said...

It is wise to go to the Lord at times like this. There just comes a time when we need to go to the feet of Jesus and place our children there and trust in Him that He will take care of them. I hope that your child had a great time and came home safely from the dance!

We had such a great time at the tea yesterday! Thank you so much for coming! Girl time is so wonderful! If it wouldn't be too much trouble, could you send me some of your pictures please? I felt bad that I didn't take any of the tea! Thank you so much for doing the dishes too!

I love you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathi... You're such an amazing Wordsmith! Such a terrific comparison with the fruits of God's orchards and the blooming of our children as they move from one stage of life to another...

I struggle with Patience, and I'm grateful for this post from you. Thank you for reminding me to turn my face to our Lord and to place my trust and faith in Him, always... and to gently lay my children at His feet, knowing that is the best place for them...

I hope the night out was successful, and that all is well... And, I love your photo; will always think you're beautiful, my friend...
God bless...

~hugs, love ♥ 'n prayers~


Toia said...

To tell you the truth, I don't think I am ready for my children to see adult years, let alone teenage years. This goes double for my little girl who is 6. I have 2 boys (as well) ages 10 and 12. I realize that the best thing to do is pray. Thanks for this post and sharing. Blessing to you and your family!!

Sarah Vertner said...

Kathi- my wise sage! Thank you for your heart and wisdom (again... as, I think I have said that before!)

The Lord has been working on this in me as well. Our oldest is only 7, but we are needing to start releasing him a little at a time. I realize my greatest struggle is that they are not MY kids, but HIS kids, and we are stewards of HIS great gift, but ultimately, he will have their hearts.

Yolanda said...

How did things turn out for you on Saturday?

If I would have read this a day or two ago, I would also have encouraged you with Nahum 1:7.


Sue said...

Hi Kathi,
Great Post!!!! I know what you were going through Saturday night.Isn't it wonderful to have husbands that pray with us, and to have something as powerful as the Word of God to encourage us.!!!

Connie said...

I can so relate to how you were feeling...I struggle with that fear at times too. Wise words to share...I needed to hear them.

What a wonderful, loving God we have and how fortunate we have a little instruction manual to reference.

Sherry said...

I needed your scripture this week also!

It was so much easier when they were little and our biggest worry was if they ate dirt with the food they picked up off the floor....

Molly's Art Designs said...

Thank you so much for this post. I have the ability to paralyze myself with fear. I am going to have to remember to reflect on these verses when I feel that way. Hope the dance was fun! Ours have one coming up in a few weeks, and I have already begun the pre-worrying! I need to calm down and trust the Lord. Bless you.

christa jean said...

I totally agree with you that when I read or claim God's promises out loud, the worrying voices have to shut up!
Bless you

nannykim said...

It is so good to pray and meditate and pray back the pomises for our kids.

You know, just lately I have come to realize that God tailor makes our children for each of us as parents. That sounds strange--but he gives us the kids we need in our lives as parents to teach us and change us and work in us. Of course God has manifold reasons for bringing our kids into this world, but one reason is definetly to work in each of the parents lives.

Rose of Sharon said...

I just wanted to tell you sister dear how much I love you! I had such a super fun time with you, Stephanie and Pam today! I feel so blessed!

Love you much! Shar

Sondra said...

I think all of us moms worry about these things. I always hope that I have taught my children right and that when they are put in certain situations that they will fall back on the core of what they know is right.

the said...

Hi Kathi,
I loved our visit yesterday and feel so blessed and lucky to have met someone as nice and sincere as you and your sister. I know it was all because of God that we met, he is so good!!
Hope your Sunday was wonderful,
lets get together again soon !
Your Friend, Stephanie

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathi... You've been on my mind and in my heart 'n prayers... just wanted to stop by to say Hello and see how you've been... I hope all's well in your world and that life is treating you kindly... Things are very much the same around here, with the exception of a Snow Storm we're in the middle of... UGH, make it go away! LOL ...please know that I think of you so much and am missing my dear friend...
God bless...

~hugs, love ♥ 'n prayers~


Unknown said...

Hi! I blog-hopped over here from your sister, Sharon's blog! Oh, what cute photos on your sidebar! That picture of you and your hubby when you were little!!! That is so sweet! It sounds like your lovestory is something special. :)


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