Thursday, September 11, 2008

Budget Beauty Products: THIS WORKS FOR ME

I heard one day on a news show that the expensive price of creams and lotions doesn't necessarily make them work any better than the cheaper products. Well, I started paying less for my skin products and really didn't notice much difference. I've used this lotion on my face for many years. I'm getting some wrinkles, but I think I would have gotten them anyway, because I am getting up there in age. I like Ponds Cold Cream. Hey, it works for me and I save money. The only expensive thing I buy is my foundation, which is Clinique.
If my make up bag spilled this is what you'd see, because they work well for me.
Have a great day ladies. "...Esther had to complete twelve months of beauty treatments..." Esther 2:12

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18


Rose of Sharon said...

That's beauty on a budget! That's also very smart. You are beautiful and very young looking, so what you do works very well! I too buy my makeup at Wal-Mart and even Winco!!! LOL! I might go check out the Clinique counter, as just yesterday a Drug Repressentative (medication rep) came in and her make-up was pretty. She said she uses Cliniuqe eye shadow and it lasts all day long. It seems like my stuff wears off after a couple of hours. She said it is not that much more than Revlon stuff.

Any way, I love this post.

Have a great weekend.

Love, Shar

P.S. I LOVE this song. It brings back such good memories. You gave me this CD when the kids were little and I played it a lot. You know how there is comfort food? Well this song is comfort music!

onlymehere said...

Smart girl. Something in my skin changed when I got pregnant the first time. I've tried all sorts of makeup, cheap and expensive and it all irritates my skin so bad. I have given up the fight on makeup but I'm just vain enough to wish I could still wear it! Lucky girl.

Anonymous said...

It sure does work for you girl. You are so beautiful. Your skin always looks pretty. I think the old things that have been around for years are great. I do have to spend on my base makeup,but I buy when there is a free gift so I get all the other stuff I need hehe =)

Charlotte said...

I'm kinda hooked on Clinique. I've tried all kinds of other stuff and always go back to Clinique. I always wait until they have a gift with purchase. I have way too many of those little free bags, but I never buy mascara because I always use the free ones. Same with lipstick. I think you're right about wrinkles, They are inevitable.
I see your reference to Esther. One of my first thoughts about Sarah Palin was "I wonder if she is our Esther." Haman does remind me of those "other guys".

Dana said...

I haven't started using creams yet, I probably should. The only time I put makeup on is when my husband comes home. Thanks for all the wonderful verses you leave on your blog, i write them down then I look them up. Oh I did buy some avon product but it seemed to make my skin oily.

luvmy4sons said...

I don't even use foundation or blush...carrot juice gives me all the foundation I need! LOL! Simplicity is best...way to go!

Deb said...

Hi Kathi, I've never used foundation until recently, but I'll try the creams you use to see how they work for me. For my foundation I use Fashion Fair. Deb

Jan Parrish said...

I love that you are so frugal. My fav cosmetics are Almay and they are very inexpensive. I use soap and water to cleanse my face and regular lotion. For me, good skin care is about soap and water. :)

Rosemary said...

Thanks for the prayers Kathi! We need them :)Ike should be ashore late tonight. Galveston is really bad. The waves are over the seawall, and the storm is HOURS away still. Some of the beach houses have already washed away...
My mom uses clinique and always gives me the freebees she gets with her purchases :)

Sondra said...

I love, love, love St. Ives products. I also love Clinique foundation. I was fortunate enought to have someone give me two bottles but when I ran out and went to buy some- ugh- so expensive!! I passed on that ;)

BittersweetPunkin said...

I love Ponds cold cream too...and I still use Noxzema!!

I hope you have a great weekend Kathi!

Elena said...

Yes, we have to take the trees in for the winter. We have a small greenhouse for them that we heat just to 40 degrees to keep them from freezing. To start them you need to let the pit dry out for a couple of days and then you put it in the water. When it comes time to transplant it, the pot can't be too big as the extra soil will become stagnet. One thing that avocados are really susceptable to is root rot. So the pot needs really good drainage. They like lots of water but they can't be sitting in it. I wish you lots of luck. They are a really cool plants and maybe in a few years we will have some fruit:)

Anonymous said...

AAaaaahh! Those are some of the same products I use... Ponds cold cream every night (like grandma used to use... and my eyelashes still brush against my glasses at middle-aged)
Clinique Super-fit foundation ROCKS
Cover Girl translucent powder does a fine job!
L'Oreal lipstick doesn't have that "weird" taste.
I even use that same brand of concealer ~ Cover Girl? Something like that.
However... I found Cetaphil moisturizer years ago and use a bit every night right before bed and every morning after my shower. Unscented, no parabens, no clogging junk, and purchased at any pharmacy or StuffMart. Nary a wrinkle ~ yet!

Good going, Kathi!

Joyfulsister said...

Hi Kathi
(((Hugz)))) You are beautiful and have such pretty smile my sistah!! I'm simple too. Hey I remember seeing my mom and aunts using ponds when I was growing up,and they had pretty complexions. the only thing I spend more on is my Mac makeup foundation compact. Also I need my mascara lol. Do you remember Dippity Doo?? I have to go and read Esther 2:12 now.

Hugz Lorie

Unknown said...

I love Ponds Cold Cream. :)

Michelle said...

Hi Kathi ~ I've stuck with Cover Girl products and they seem to work well:) Cold cream, etc. used to make me break out (yeah, even as an adult!) so I haven't been using any.

Hope you're having a good weekend! My sister came up to my house again yesterday and we packed, packed, packed...only one more week to go before the move :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathi... Loved the cold cream photo! You always make me smile!

I used to use Clinique and love it... but now I use the mineral make-up that is growing in popularity. I LOVE it so much... it is so easy to apply, feels light and cool on my skin, does not cake up or run... even with my Hot Flashes! Plus, just a teeny~tiny bit covers alot... hard to believe, but true! I also have wrinkles and some birth~marks on my face... the mineral make-up makes them disappear and it never looks like I have make-up on! I am going to try your St. Ive's product... have seen it in the stores, but never bought any... hope your day is going well... God bless...

~hugs 'n love~



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