Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I Love My Daughters and Their Friends

Sunday after church was extremely hot. We invited lots of kids over for a swim.
After swimming the girls talked and role played.

The girls and even their mothers played in funny adlib scenes.

We learned this funny game from being at Sharon's house. Her boys and their friends played these fun games.

We watched a movie and then the girls decided to go outside and play star tipping. You stare at a star and spin around.
Someone shines a flashlight and it makes the person fall down every time.
Naturally I wanted to join the fun, and I did tip over.
The girls wanted to sleep in the orchard, so they set up the tent.
The girl in the black top is an exchange student from France, named Chloe'. She is so sweet. We loved having her stay over night with us. I wonder what she thinks of all of us USA people?
Soon after all the popcorn and games and movies, they were tired. Nighty night girls. I'm thankful that even though we do quite a bit of work on the farm, fun is involved too.


pam said...

Your site is one that just makes me happy when I visit, peeking in on your life--totally opposite of mine and I love all the pictures. Cloe may not realize it but I think she is seeing how a family loves well.

Kelley said...

What an incredibly fun day!! You live in such a beautiful place and it looks like you all enjoy it very much. We are city-Suburbanites so it is a bit different for us. Sometimes I just long to live out away from all of the craziness of our surroundings (and they are quite crazy!!). Thanks for sharing, I feel like I have lived vicariously through you today!


Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Oh my, I remember slumber parties. It's great to see that some things never change.

Is that a pond where you went swimming?

Kathi said...

Ruth, It's actually a creek that runs through our property. It is muddy, but there is a man made dam that creates a small waterfall. That waterfall is cleaner and more fun than the muddy part. Kathi

Kelly said...

You guys have the BEST fun!!!! I wish we lived out there haha!


luvmy4sons said...

It's been so long since I have seen a gathering of girls in one place like that! I THINK I remember slumber parties! LOL! What fun they appeared to have!

Simply Heart And Home said...

What delightful fun! I bet those girls slept well after all that!

Cottage Contessa said...

I love this post! This is what childhood memories are all about, fun times with a loving family & friends! Wishing you a wonderful week Kathi!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

Linda said...

What a fun-filled day everyone had...the girls look tuckered out...and that's what summer is all about!

Your farm looks incredible. Alot of work I'm sure...but well worth it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathi... Such a fun post this was! I can always count on a smile when visiting you... loved all of the photos, too! Haven't heard of star tipping, before... looked like y'all enjoyed it, alot!

Thank you for stopping by and letting me know that the letter had arrived. And, thank you for your continued prayers. I was sorry, though, to learn that your Mom has Fibromyalgia and your Aunt has Celiac... ~sigh~ I'll be keeping everyone in prayer. God bless...



cherished*vintage said...

What a fun day! Great memories for the girls. I can't wait to try star tipping. Never heard of it, and it looks like a hoot.

Rose of Sharon said...

What a fun time! I wish I was there! Your kids are making such wonderful memories Kathi! How neat of you to open your home on the spur of the moment like that! How wonderful! You are being a Godly woman by being hospitable and opening your home! What a great mom you are!

Love, Sharon


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