
Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Sounds of Breakfast At 5:00 am

I'm the first one up in the morning. But, around 5:00 am I hear kitchen noises: the sound of a griddle being heated up, pancake mix being poured and stirred, the whisk against the bowl, and the flipper flipping pancakes. It's our son Garrett. I love this about him. He  makes and eats pancakes nearly every morning. This is a precious moment I captured on film of my husband Stacey holding Garrett, reading the Bible and eating pancakes with him. I treasure this moment. I'm thankful my husband makes time for each of our children especially since he must travel now and then for his job. My husband gets to go to places like this. Can you believe he actually got to visit the Taj Mahal?
It is breathtaking.  We are not perfect parents by any means. That is why we pray so much. We need God's help to do this huge amazing job of being parents. We do try to follow the Scriptures.  As you can see I value that my husband spends time with our kids, teaching them and listening to them. I am very blessed to have him as the father of our children. 
 "Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate." Psalm 127:3-5 

  Blessings, Kathi


Rose of Sharon said...

Such a sweet father and son moment! Praying for our husband and children is soooo important! I couldn't imagine raising our kids without it. haha..we have a pancake maker too...Hayden did that all the time and still does. He has it down to a science and often time he makes a couple dozen and then he will reheat them in the toaster and have them for snacks. He often times adds chocolate chips too.

Love, Sharon
P.S. The comment button is on this one, but still not on the snow one. Weird! I'm so glad you word recognition is off, it makes it so much easier to leave a comment. :)

Rose of Sharon said...

Such a sweet father and son moment! Praying for our husband and children is soooo important! I couldn't imagine raising our kids without it. haha..we have a pancake maker too...Hayden did that all the time and still does. He has it down to a science and often time he makes a couple dozen and then he will reheat them in the toaster and have them for snacks. He often times adds chocolate chips too.

Love, Sharon
P.S. The comment button is on this one, but still not on the snow one. Weird! I'm so glad you word recognition is off, it makes it so much easier to leave a comment. :)


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