I Just Realized I Forgot To Tell You About Chester...
One lovely warm evening we took a walk down to the creek. My husband, Garrett and I were accompanied by our niece Selkie.
My sister-in-law, Kara joined us. What a magical evening it was. As we were walking back home I heard a faint cry for help from a desperate kitten.
Sadly, its mother, brothers and sisters had all been killed by a wind-rower in the field. This sweet adorable kitten pleaded for us to find it. We did.
Yes, every four hours, morning, noon and night. He got his warm bottle. He was precious. Garrett quickly claimed him for his own and named him Chester.
We faithfully fed him and hugged him. It was only a matter of time before he tipped the scales at four pounds. Soon I will share more about Chester, for he is now nearly 18 months old.
"For You, O LORD, will bless the righteous; with favor You will surround him as with a shield." Psalm 5: 12
Blessings, Kathi
Hi Kathi, glad you are back blogging again. I enjoy your blog, tho I don't comment often. Chester is sweet!!
Hi Kathi, glad you are back blogging again. I enjoy your blog, tho I don't comment often. Chester is sweet!!
That picture of Chester on the scale is absolutely precious.
I love that little kitty!!!
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