
Friday, January 24, 2014

A Special Card from My Sister Sharon

I found this birthday card my dear sister Sharon had given me two years ago.  I love the stickers and the darling little hearts she drew with arms and legs. Below the little hearts it says "Sisters."
She sent these little pictures of two of my favorite old movies. "The Major and the Minor" with Ginger Rogers, and "The Thrill of It All" with Doris Day. I was so excited. The these little pictures came with the promise that the movies would be coming in the mail the next week. They did come and I still watch them. Thank you sweet sister. I love you so much and think your gift is so fun. You'll need to come spend the night with me so we can stay up and watch them together.     I'm so glad you are my little sister! You, big sister Kelli and I need to have a slumber party soon.

"And this I pray, that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and in all judgement..." Philippians 1:9

Blessings, Kathi


Heather said...

what a sweet present! your sister sure is the best!

Linda said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Kathi.
Darling picture of you and Sharon....you are both blessed to share such a wonderful relationship...
I love old movies too and these look great...enjoy. hugs, Linda

luvmy4sons said...

Having two younger sisters myself I know what a blessign they are! Your relationship is so precious...a shining example of God's love for us! Thanks for sharing both of your hearts!

A Romantic Porch said...

That picture of the two of you when you were little is absoluuuutely darling! xorachel

Rose of Sharon said...

I am so glad you liked my present Kathi! I guess I got to enjoy your present before you will even get to! Ha, ha! Any way, I love you so much and am so glad your my sissy!

Love you!

Anonymous said...

This is the sweetest post, Kathi!! I'm so excited to have my two little daughters and I pray every day that they grow in love and friendship. I hope that they're sharing the same blogging sentiments one day. And visiting their old mothers blog and leaving nice comments while they're at it. :o)

Happy weekend, mama!


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