I don't mean this in a prideful way at all, but rather in a humble tone: If you ever saw the movie "Working Girl," you'll remember the last scene. She is sitting at her desk in an office with a window. She calls her friend and tells her where she is. Her friend is sharing this news with all her old co-workers...and the music begins, "Let The River Run..." All the girls in the office pool, cheer, that she has reached a well deserved goal. Well...,

I got a permanent job teaching kindergarten!!!, after substitute teaching for six years!!! God gave me this job. I want to thank Him publicly. I'm so excited and happy, and want to do the best job possible!! My job begins in two days!!!

I could not have done this without the help of Ruby, my cute little car, and...

My daughter, Jessica, who drew the fish and created the cute bulletin board for me, set up the library, and...

My son Harrison, who put together several book cases...

Also, my wonderful husband, Stacey, who did tons of things for me...

I'm so amazed at my dear family for putting in hours to help me set up. You see, I have a new cement floor. In December it will be shined, and will be gorgeous, but right now it is, as Jane Austen would put it, "Tolerable." I'm so excited, that I do not care that it is cement!!!

My classroom is coming together, and I'm so thankful for all the help from my dear family, including Victoria, but we forgot to bring the camera, the day she came to help.
Deuteronomy 33:11a: Bless all her skills, O Lord, and be pleased with the work of her hands.
Blessings, Kathi