Haley helping to do the dishes.
Little Haley with big sister Whitney.
Darling little girls. Haley looking up to her big sister Whitney. Haley loved frilly dresses and complimented ladies who wore them. She was such a little lady herself.
Haley and Whitney with cousins Jade and Alex in their Sunday school dresses.
Haley having fun with shaving cream on the shower door.
"Clipping" her doll's toe nails. She was so darling.
Whitney happy for her sister Haley on her third birthday. Mama Kelli watches her blow out the candles.
Grandpa and Grammie with the girls after church on Sunday. A few months before Haley got sick.
Haley loved animals. She was not afraid to touch them at the zoo. This is her with her kitty about one month before she began getting sleepy and having severe headaches.
This is Haley after surgery to remove pressure from her brain. Her daddy Ralph and mother Kelli are in shock as they try to grasp the news which they have been told.
Haley just home from the hospital wanted to swing. With the pressure removed from her brain. She seemed like herself again and only better; no headaches, at least for a short time. Soon radiation (first), which is the worst order, but was necessary in her case, and (second) chemotherapy. Both of these things sapped energy and put a huge toll on her little life. Haley remained cheerful and sweet through all of this. Very rarely did she complain.
This is a billboard, which the Ronald McDonald House put up in the big city, of Ralph holding sweet little Haley during her treatments. At the end of her little life she suffered and it was very hard to watch. Ralph and Kelli clung on to the Lord for His peace and assurance. Haley died in her daddy's arms, March 3, 1995 having almost reached the age of four. This was so hard on their family. They chose to trust the Lord in spite losing their dear Haley. This year would have been the year Haley would have turned 21 years old. Ralph and Kelli have come through many years of sorrow and have seen God's hand in all of this. They still don't understand, but have chosen to believe and know that they will see their adorable Haley again in Heaven. God has been faithful to them. Strength and courage. I am interviewing my sister Kelli about all she's been through and I will be sharing her story soon. I will share things that God did in His faithfulness to build their faith and things that helped her to keep going, especially the first year after Haley died.
Here is a photo of Haley's big sister and her two younger brothers, Joseph and Samuel, whom the Lord blessed them with after Haley passed away. The boys know they will some day get to meet their big sister Haley some day in Heaven.
Haley sang "Blessed Assurance Jesus is Mine," at church while she was undergoing chemotherapy. After singing she said in the sweetest little voice, "Thank you everyone for praying for me." She is with Jesus now. We know we will see her again and have this hope and assurance. we remember you Haley and we love you! When I went to the viewing of Haley the day before the funeral, I walked into the room where she lay. The song "Lord You Are So Precious to Me" was playing on a continuous tape. I shall never forget seeing her beautiful little body and feeling the presence of the Lord there with me. I knew that Haley was not there in that body; she was safe with Jesus in her new heavenly perfect body. It was a touching moment. I thank God for knowing just what we need at just the right moment.
"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, him whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusteth in Thee." Isaiah 26:3
Blessings, Kathi
Dear Kathi, This post is so precious and heart wrenching at the same time. I just think of how I would feel if something like this happened to my Mary girl. I can understand their pain knowing how much I love my little girl. I am so thankful that they know the Lord and have that blessed hope that they will see their daughter again.
That was a tough post Kathi but you are right, she is in the arms of our Savior....what a blessed place to be.
Oh Kathi...so sad. Haley is beautiful. I will keep your sister and all of you in my prayers as they remember their little sweetie.
Kathi, Haley was such a precious, beautiful child! I'm so very sorry for your sister and her family! So glad that they had their belief to hold on to, and comfort from God during the years! Those that don't know Him, I wonder how they can ever cope with such tragedy. And the assurance that we will see our loved ones again has to be "the best," the only hope, in the midst of the sorrow. Remembering your family as they pass this birthday milestone!
What an Angel. ♥ Yes, you do have the most precious little Guardian looking out for you all, and waiting for you ~ Bless you ~ ♥ I'm a new follower...
precious little angel she is..(:)
precious little angel she is..(:)
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