"Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God." Psalm 42:5 Sometimes Christian become sad or discouraged. Sometimes it is for no reason. Sometimes a person can have everything worldly desirable, and still feel down. I truly went through a two week period of feeling low.
"...so the king asked me, “Why does your face look so sad when you are not ill? This can be nothing but sadness of heart.” Nehemiah 2:2. For me I had two things bothering me, which I took to the Lord. One was an old friendship, which suddenly ended with no reason, and which I said a hurtful thing to the woman who had hurt me years ago. That alone could bring this thing on. Another friend, a neighbor has harshly judged me without cause. We even attend the same church. The Lord knows all about this and I will extend the hand of kindness to her anyway. The other was a concern that I was not exercising, which adds up to guilt. My heart and blood pressure need exercise even if my outer appearance testifies it doesn't. My doctor told me a year ago to begin an exercises program and I was too lazy to do this.
"You, LORD, hear the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry," Psalm 10:17. I prayed and laid my heavy heart before the Lord. I asked for forgiveness and for ability to forgive those who'd hurt me, and ability to get moving. Seven days ago I got on the treadmill. Before doing this I took an aspirin and ate a piece of Adam's real peanut butter toast on whole grain. I also had two cups of coffee and a large glass of water near the treadmill. I put on an old DVD sitcom and began walking. All I did was walk. I walked for 40 minutes. The next day I did the same and for the next six days I did the same with increasing amount of speed from comfortable speed of 3 to that of 6 for half a min. and back to 3 and so on. I am trusting the Lord and He is lifting my spirits. I am feeling better and love the new energy I am feeling each day. I have even got on the treadmill after dinner twice with my slow but steady pace. The guilt is lifting. I thank the Lord for His love and guidance and strength to do what I know is right. The friend whom I hurt has blocked me from being her friend on face book. That is okay with me. I don't have the depression anymore. I still don't understand, but I have love and forgiveness at hand.
I must be a lazy person, for I would not get on the treadmill. So for me, it took rigging up an old tv in the garage with a DVD player. I found this Dick van Dyke series at a thrift store for one dollar and it is now helping me to stay on that treadmill.
Some people don't need this kind of coaxing or coddling, but I do. I found this older sitcom, which is fabulous, called The Goldberg's. I love it. These are the kinds of things I need to get me on that treadmill, and I thank God for showing me how to stay on that treadmill. Instead of going to a gym and paying a lot of money, I buy DVD's at thrift stores.
Thank you blogging friends for being patient with me. When I am like this it is hard to post things. I am better now. We shall see how the next few blogging days go. God bless you and Happy New Year!
Blessings, Kathi
Intriguing topic...
And, your blog looks really interesting and fun. But, I can't read it.
The background music is INCREDIBLY distracting... and, frankly, very, very, annoying.
Maybe you could make the music at least not auto-play?
No one likes to go to a blog and be subjected to music all of a sudden unless they click play. It's very frustrating, and often disrupts others in the room... while distracting the person who is trying to read the blog.
Yes, even Christians get depressed, but isn't it wonderful that we can take it to the Lord in prayer?
I love your idea of old sit coms on the DVD player while you walk. I love those old shows. I might have to try that when I need a change in my routine.
Right now, I put old rock and roll music on my mp3 player and dance when I'm home alone.
I'm glad you are back. Happy New Year,
Even while we remember the eternal aspect of things and have our strong faith in Christ we all still need to travel though this mortal experience and sometimes it is stressing and trying but that's how we grow. I too have been on the low side lately due to economic stresses that are very real and severely scary at our home but I've also felt the sweet joy and love of God with having my son home from serving him for two years. I'm hoping to come out of this "blue funk" stronger and better able to handle the decisions of others who can change my life so severely with the strike of a pen on a policy change. My husband and I both are struggling in our respective careers due to the greed and mismanagement of CEOs and other top level management people, as are many others in our same type of job positions. I'm trying to forgive also but for now I need to just have faith in Christ and that he knows my needs and concerns and will give me the strength and knowledge and courage to handle them and know what to do.
I don't mean this to sound like a sermon but just to let you know that I'm in your corner and maybe give you some light and faith in your future too. It sounds like you're doing all the right things. I'll continue to keep you and my other friends in my prayers.
Dear Anonymous, your comment is hurtful and insensitive. Your comment said nothing about my post. You have a mute button on your computer, which you could use. You do not have to view my blog. I am not forcing you to read it. Please leave your name and your own blog link for me and for my friends to critique. We will probably be kinder to you than you have been to me. Kathi
I'm sorry you have been blue Kathi, but I am so thankful you have been working past it. I also am very glad that you are getting into exercising. I want you to be healthy and strong and grow into your 90s with me! :0) I love you.
I like your music. You always have such pretty songs. I don't know why anonymous had to vent at you like that. With all the big problems in the world, why attack a sweet girl like you, especially when you are sharing your heart and talking about depression. Talk about kicking a person when they are down. Whatever! Don't listen to them, they are a coward to not write their name and they are rude to say what she said in such a rude way, why not just say it kindly.
Thank you Sharon, and all of you other kind bloggers who wrote such nice things and for telling me your blog name and who you are.
One of the little joys for me on my blog is my music. I love the piano music especially for my food posts. I like Christmas music during Christmas. It fulfills my mood on my different posts. Again, I think it is good to write nice things. This world is so cruel already, we don't need more cruelty. Kathi
Kathi , what a touching blog post. Thank you for your kind sensitive heart. I need to do a regular exercise program but with cleaning as many homes as I do with our cleaning business and all the other business running I just get exhausted. Maybe exercise would help. When I am depressed (which can be often) I sing praise songs as I work. xo rachel
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