Monday, November 21, 2011

Sharing My Faith With Those I Rub Elbows With

Today I shared my faith on another blog I started, which I share with my real life friends, those from high school, people I work with and neighbors. Sometimes it's frightening to share my faith because I fear I will come on too strong or appear to be super spiritual, when in fact I shake in my boots and know I am a sinner.  There is also that stupid old worry of what will they think of me? Will they think I am weird. I guess it does not matter anymore. I want to tell the truth so that these people will know the truth about Jesus. Well, I will share the link to this other blog today with you. It looks almost identical to this one, but it's set up somewhat differently. Please pray that anyone who reads it will be impressed to seek the Lord. Thank you so much. Here is the link if you'd like to read the spiritual posts all together on my other blog: The Fishwrap
Blessings, Kathi
"The prayer of a righteous man availeth much." James 5:16


onlymehere said...

I feel the same way. I love to share what I believe but I get afraid that because it's being written and not spoken face-to-face that people may misinterpret my meaning. You and I both share a strong faith and love of Jesus Christ. To me it doesn't matter that you're of a different religion bz your beliefs coincide with my own and I'm often strengthened by your words. I truly consider you a friend. I've noticed you also visit my friend Rhonda and she has a strong faith also. I think that's the important thing, that we strengthen each other and shore each other up in times of trials or despair. At least that's how I view it and I hope that makes sense to you. God bless you for your courage in sharing your other blog with us. I'll be stopping by in the future!
P.S. Also, I don't think you're weird at all. :)

Elena said...

That is so awesome that you are sharing your faith and the truth of the gospel! We love the Lord of the Rings movies and the wonderful analogy they show. I pray you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. God bless you!

Kerin said...

Anytime that you can bear your testimony of how wonderful our Father in heaven is, and how much he blesses our lives, it is a great thing.

Have courage, and know that everyones life will be better if they just center their lives on the Lord.

Have a great week, and a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

Sue said...

Visited your new blog and was so blessed by your thoughts. Sending you best wishes.

Ramblings of a Southern Girl ~ Rhonda G said...

I can identify! At work, I strive to be a "light" and a walking testimony ....standing up for my faith, but I don't want to come on too strong and turn people off. I pray about that a lot too, for God's guidance in sharing my belief with others. ...But I'm sure you are a blessing to all who know you there! :)

Thanks so much for the prayers today! I did pretty well over the holidays! I was satisfied with just a taste of everything, and my willpower held out!

Hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

Ramblings of a Southern Girl ~ Rhonda G said...

Oh, another thing, I love what you said about being afraid because you are just a sinner. My fear is being perceived as "self-righteous," while trying to live in a Christ-like manner and witness to others. But I will tell anyone, I am SO far from perfect or sinless! Thank God for His amazing saving grace!!! :)


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