Early one evening Tammy, our neighbor stopped in to give our cattle some corn stalks. We visited on the porch for awhile. Her little dog was adorable. I enjoy seeing Tammy and was so glad she stopped in.
All three of us, my hubby, Tammy and me, unloaded the stalks in the pasture.
The cows and goats couldn't be happier.
This is like candy for them. They devour it.
I love doing this kind of thing especially with a friend or family member. It's just plain fun.
I hope you have friendly neighbors and I hope each of you shares with one another. Tammy did not leave until we gave her some apples and pears. It's the neighborly thing to do. We love our neighbors and they love us.
Blessings, Kathi "If any household is too small for a whole lamb, they must share one with their nearest neighbor, having taken into account the number of people there are. You are to determine the amount of lamb needed in accordance with what each person will eat." Exodus 12:4
What a blessing to have friends/neighbors like that! ...bet the cows were pretty happy too! :)
Friends and neighbors can be such a blessing, can't they? I'm glad you have wonderful neighbors too.
God bless you,
How nice of her!
We too have wonderful neighbors and friends....they sure bless our lives!
Those cows sure look happy to have the 'treats.'
What a blessing to have such neat neighbors! Farm life is hard work, but it looks fun too! :0)
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