Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Lord Is My Rock and it is He Who Deserves My Praise

I taught school in the morning, which went very well. I mentioned in my last post that teaching the upper grades is hard for me. I've been praying that God would show me how to manage and instruct troubled kids. I thank the Lord for giving me a treasure of a teacher to model. Her name is Lori. She has patience and compassion, yet a firm hand. I went in a full two hours early and watched her while taking notes. When it was time for her to leave, I felt capable to take the reins and continue teaching. God is good.
So why all the pictures of apples? After teaching, my apple customer called and said she needed not one but three boxes of apples for her and her friends. I climbed up the ladders and picked as fast as I could. I delivered their apples in record time.
Since putting up my signs along the road I've had a few customers come to my home as well. I'm learning to juggle the different hats I wear.
I'm enjoying my Bible study so much. I'm learning things about Samuel and Saul that I never knew before. I appreciate the way Shawn Lantz has put together this study called Living With Unmet Desires.
It never occurred to me that Samuel had to give up his own highly esteemed position for someone who clearly did not deserve it. It took so much self control and obedience to the Lord, to give the place of honor to Saul, as God asked, and to make him king. This placed Samuel in a subordinate position below Saul, who was arrogant and had little regard for God. Samuel did not question God, but faithfully trusted Him.
God is using this Bible study. It is helping me to see things in Scripture I've never seen before, even though I've read these books of the Bible many times. The Holy Spirit is teaching me through this study to find nuggets of truth. Thank you Shawn for writing this guide. I'm digging deeper into the Word of God and seeing motives of the heart in these people who lived so long ago.

Blessings, Kathi
These two verses show the way these two men responded after the Lord helped them defeat the enemy. Samuel honored the Lord and gave Him the glory. Saul shows his conceit and arrogance in honoring himself.

"Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the LORD has helped us.” 1 Samuel 7:12

“Saul has gone to Carmel. There he has set up a monument in his own honor." 1 Samuel 15:12

I want to remember that it is the Lord helping me with my teaching and my little apple and beef business and give Him the praise for it.


onlymehere said...

What a wonderful take on these scriptures. I had never really thought of it in those terms. Thanks for helping to deepen my understanding. Your posts leave me with a desire to be a stronger and better person. :)

Ramblings of a Southern Girl ~ Rhonda G said...

Great post! I'm going to have to look into this Bible Study! :)

Giving God the glory and thanking Him that the teaching and farm life is going well!

Anonymous said...

Kathi, you are such an encouragement to me! You are truly a Proverbs 31 Lady! Thank you!!

I am teaching the Esther study to 9 ladies on Tuesday mornings. I don't feel like I am doing a good job and don't feel like I am a good adult teacher. I am doing it because I want to be obedient to the Lord and when my pastors wife asked me I felt God prompting my heart to do it. I have heard His voice telling me while I am studying that He is polishing me through this. Sometimes I feel like I am going to have a panic attack right in the middle of class but I just ask God to calm my nerves, He is so good! I am going to order Shawn's Bible study and work on it too. I just love studying God's Word as I know you do too!!
Take care! Sarah V.

onlymehere said...

Thanks for your kind comments on Kaje'. Yes, this surgery has caused problems we couldn't have forseen. When she had it done the first time her teachers in high school thought she was "cutting" herself. She also went on a job interview and the manager told her he didn't want "cutters" on his crew. Someone else wanted to know how long it had been since she'd attempted suicide. It's so obviously a surgical scar and cutters usually don't cut where people can see it and suicides cut the veins on the back of the wrist not the top. It was an ego slap in the face to her and she was only 17 at the time. I told her we could photoshop the pictures of her hand for her engagements and wedding pictures of their rings but she's fine with the scar showing. It will fade a bit by then but not much. She says she's earned the scar. Her doctor excised the old scar and put her new incision there so she'll still only have one scar. Her doctor had to cut off the cast yesterday bz it was too tight and so she's in a removable splint. Her wrist has a tad of movement so I hope it doesn't come back again!

Thanks again for stopping by and being so kind each time you do. Someday you will have to tell us the story of your ganglion.


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