The other day our house was a flurry of pretty dresses, perfume, hairspray and high heels.

Jessica is having her hair done by her good friend Abby.

Abby decided to go to the dance with our two daughters Victoria and Jessica. Half the fun was getting ready to go.

Now it's Victoria's turn to have her hair done.

Victoria is enjoying her new camera. She has been taking several photography classes at school and is getting quite good.

The girls posed as Charlie Angels just for fun.

The girls said they had a blast at the dance and just danced out on the dance floor with no partners. Abby got to spend the night and went to church with us in the morning. I'm so glad and thankful the girls have each other for friends. They have been friends for about five years now.
1 Corinthians 15:33, Paul wrote: “Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character.” This statement should be your guiding light when selecting your friends.
That is awesome! They all looked so pretty!
That verse is so very true. The girls look beautiful. I always love when my daughter has dances & things to get ready for. So much fun!
I love the pictures of your girls together. I see my girls in 5-8 years. They are beautiful.
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