Sunday, December 12, 2010

Wanting to Be the Center of Attention

There probably some truth to this; when someone is "perfect," in our eyes, we may find ourselves making a choice to love 'em or "hate 'em." Of course we should love them. She can't help it if she was born beautiful, and her heart may be humble and kind. Sometimes, however she really is a spoiled brat. It is not for us to judge, but to love.I think as Christians we should love all people and not judge. However, when a person knocks herself out to be gorgeous and becomes quite prideful, we might feel less like glorifying her. Nothing wrong with that. We went to a movie last month. We had a fun time. What I noticed is that EVERY commercial glorified the main character. I was actually wishing I could leave the building.I noticed the words, "I'm," "You," as in "You can be the greatest," "Me," and "Self." I really noticed the wording in the trailer for a coming attraction. It really sickened me and I would consider this "worldly" speech, coming from the pit. I had to ask myself the question, "Is this what I long for too? to be the center of attention? the greatest? the strongest? the thinnest? the prettiest? In a nutshell, to be worshiped? Satan wants to be worshiped. Satan wants to be God. Pretty scary for me when I begin analyzing society and then pointing the finger right back at myself, and investigating my own heart.
Is this what I am longing for also? Do I do this ALL day long in my mind? Am I longing for people to 'eeww' and 'aaah' at Kathi?" Probably, "YES." It's in my nature... "YUCK." It looks pretty ugly when I examine my heart and my mind. I want to say, "Lord, please help me to glorify YOU, and help me to be a bit more humble." Well, that in a nutshell, are my thoughts about these things. The truth is our flesh is always waring against the Spirit.It's not only hard not to want to be the center of attention and look/be the best, but also, to judge those who do glorify the flesh. Whew, lots to think through. I'm totally guilty of both!!!!! Well, I pray that God would help me on both accounts. It's fun to be the center of attention, and now and then we really get to be; in example on your birthday, wedding day, birth of a child, prom queen, football star, vocalist etc. That's wonderful and should be a time of celebration. Those are good and legitimate things. But, what I see Hollywood doing is pushing the idea of being center stage and to become the greatest and everyone else; the least. That's what I am getting at.As a mother how do I teach humility to my children? and on the flip side self respect? and that it's okay to like themselves? Teaching this the best way comes from the Bible. My daughter looked like this blonde Barbie as a young sweet little girl. I was so concerned about teaching her humility that I often forgot to praise her. One day she told me that she was ugly and hated the way she looked. I was crushed and saddened, to hear her opinion of herself. I then told her that God created her in His image and that she was beautiful. We had many long discussions about this. I wanted her to know she is lovely no matter what her outside looked like and she had value to God and to those around her. I have always tried to praise my children for trying and for doing their best, but not for their looks. I do tell them they look nice or pretty, but I don't make a big deal of it.
"Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you." (1 Peter 5:6-7 KJV)

1 comment:

Rose of Sharon said...

This is a very good post Kathi. We need to have Christ the center of our lives and let Him shine, not us. Also, we need to practice what He preaches with putting others first.

Love you, Sharon


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