Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Summer Happenings

Dear Blogging Friends. I have many photos and activities to share with you, but my up loader will not allow me to post any pictures today. I began creating this post last week and all was fine, but not today. So, Here are five photos to shar with you of things we've been doing. Here I am with my daughter Jessica and son Garrett picking some of our berries. We have raspberries, blueberries and Marion berries, and of course wild black berries are surrounding our fields.
We butchered five of our dear cows and sold meat to many friends and family. The meat tastes great because the cows eat tender grass, get plenty of exercise, no hormones or antibiotics, and live a very happy contented life. I delivered many half and quarter of beef to customers. One of which was a fellow blogging buddy Tiffany at But I Had A Tiara. I loved meeting her, but wish we could have visited longer.
My husband and daughter Victoria at a beautiful outdoor wedding we attended. Victoria was paid to serve at the wedding and she did an excellent job. We were proud of her.
Stacey and me enjoying the reception after the wedding.
It doesn't take much to make Victoria happy. The grin on her face shows she is thrilled that I bought Coke.
Victoria invited friends over for her 16th birthday. The girls stayed up late doing their nails, watching movies and eating lots of junk food. In the morning I found this note in my messy kitchen. It says, "Don't Touch A Thing Mom. We will clean It!"
Here is what it looked like. I'm so thankful they had a good time and so blessed for daughters who are conscious and aware of others and know when they ought to clean up after themselves. They did get up and clean the kitchen for me. I hope I can get my up loader to work so that I may post more photos of our happenings this summer. Bless you all and have a great week. "More of Jesus; less of me. By His power I will be like a flower in the spring; brand new life in everything...Oh I want to be more like Jesus; less of me.." --Mylon LeFevre


Judy said...

How sweet of them to clean up their mess and to think of others. I wish we lived near you so that we could get some beef from you. We got a quarter beef last February and loved it. It looks like your summer is going good.

Heather said...

sounds like a lot of fun! love the pictures. blogger is having issues the last couple days. i couldn't get any videos to load on my blog and i'm having a hard time leaving comments on various blogs. and i've been seeing people saying they've lost all their followers. hope these issues get resolved quickly!

j said...

Wonderful pictures but I am MOST impressed with the note. She is so thoughtful.

Linda said...

You've been busy, busy, busy! So glad to hear from've been missed!

onlymehere said...

I love the note at the very end! This makes being a mom all worthwhile and shows what a caring daughter you've raised. I hope you can upload again soon too! I love reading your blog and checking in on your family. How fun for Victoria to be paid to serve at a wedding. My kids really grew in leaps and bounds when they started making their own money. I had to laugh at Kaje' this year as we school shopped. She was appalled at the prices and kept saying, "I won't pay that much for ______" (you fill in the blank!). She was very careful with her money and even more conscious and careful with mine. You've gotta love that, right?!! Have a great day.

Stephanie said...

That note is the sweetest note! I hope you keep it forever!
Looks like you have been having some great times this summer, how fun!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to Victoria! I'd be happy over the Coke, too! YUM! What a sweetie that she left that note...her mama raised her well! :o)

Happy almost weekend!

as always starzie said...

Dear Kathi,
What a wonderful life living on such beautiful land. Such a great way to raise children. Your children seem so happy and content.
I was looking at the cute cows. Is it hard to raise them and then butcher them for meat? I guess I'm not a farm person. I would make every animal a pet. But it really is wonderful to eat meat without all of the harmful things that meat has in it today.
Take care. I enjoy your blog!


Mrs. Preston said...

Greetings Kathi!

This is "Joy" AKA Mrs. preston ;)and I have started a blog called Please come visit any time! ;)

It is always refreshing and so nice to read about the happenings and blessings God is bringing! How wonderful to have cows and sell them too- that meat must be delish! ;)

I hope you continue to enjoy your summer! Things will wind down begining of september for us hear. 2 of our children will attend a christian school and my my son will be homeschooled and my little pumkin, well she'll be by mommy's side, she is only 3 and we are so enjoying our littlest one as we realize they grow up all too quickly. =(

God bless!

A Romantic Porch said...

What a fun summer Kathi. Thank you for sharing. I'd love some of that yummy beef! Thank you for your sweet comments. xo rachel


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