Thursday, May 21, 2009

Miss Dailey Says, "Did You Learn From It? ...Then It's a Success!"

"Miss Dailey" is my puppet. She comes to school with me. The kindergartners think she is real. They listen to her and obey her. In fact they'll do "anything" for her ~ smile!
I want to share with you where I got "Miss Dailey's name. I have great respect for the woman I was teaching under during my student teaching in the big city in another state. Yes, you've probably guessed, her name is Miss Dailey.
This is the real Miss Dailey back in 1991. She taught me many things. She is a person with a big heart. One of the things she used to say to me, on days that I shed many tears over mistakes I made was, "Kathi, did you learn from it?" I would tearfully say, "Yes." Then she'd give me hug and say, "Then it's a success, Kathi. Be positive and dwell on the good things you learned from those mistakes." Thank you, Miss Dailey, for being a huge inspiration to me. Your courage and positive outlook have impacted my life. I often tell my children the same thing... "Did you learn from it?...Then it's a success!" Miss Dailey gave me courage when I needed it most. Dear Blogging friends, I hope you can do the same today. Love, Kathi "I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me."


A Romantic Porch said...

Kathi, I needed that reminder so much. xo rachel

Gina said...

I think I love both of your Miss Daileys!

luvmy4sons said...

Amen. The best lessons are learned rom mistakes! I love Miss Dailey...both of them!

Rose of Sharon said...

What great advice she gave you! That is a very positive attitude to have in life!

I hope that you have a wonderful three day weekend!

Love, Sharon

P.S. I had trouble getting in your blog and then I signed up for Google Chrome and I got in. I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not.

Elena said...

What a sweet post! I love the idea of the puppet. Children's little minds are so open and their imaginations are huge!

Heather said...

that's sweet. you had a wonderful teacher!

Jan Parrish said...

Ah, so adorable.

Kathi said...

I'm so excited! I just found the REAL Miss Dailey again through email. I have not spoken with her since about 1996!! God is so good. What a blessing. Kathi

Kelly said...

You found Miss Daily??? What a true blessing that is! I hope this comment finds you and and your family well! Missing you but I know if we both are not blogging as much that we are being productive as the Lord wills us to do in other areas of our lives!
Many summer blessings dear friend!!!


j said...

I love Miss Dailey's attitude. That is wonderful. Funny how small children can form an attachment to the puppet.


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