Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Spring Happenings

Dear Dad, Mom and blogging friends, We've had a busy, but delightful month. Here's what we've been up to. We've enjoyed this lovely weather and had many meals outside.
Lots of fun bike rides to the market.
We have a new photographer in the family. Victoria has been taking a class.
Her pictures are quite stunning.
Stacey finally got to bring home his restored 1950 Chevy. We've all enjoyed riding in it.
Victoria got five turkey babies. It's amazing how fast they have grown. They stay in the barn, but she lets them out too. She also has some Rhoad Island Red hens.
Jessica and I went out for a taco and had some mother / daughter time.
Stacey and I have been taking long walks down country roads in the morning.
Harrison got a buzz cut and looks great.
Jessica, Victoria and Harrison have spent lots of time in the creek.
Garrett anticipating getting up on stage to sing at his school.
He got right into the routine and was almost a "ham" up there. It was really cute.
We have three watch cats.
This one is "Shorty."
We watched tadpoles turn into little frogs.
Big sister Victoria made this plaque in her glass-arts class, for her sister Jessica's birthday.
Harrison has learned amazing stunts on his dirt bike. He is quite good at popping wheelies.
As you can see the proof that he's had a few spills.
He loves this wound in the shape of the Nike swoosh.
Fun fun fun, but watch out or you might get wet.
I never could get Harrison really well. He was always able to outsmart me.
...but Garrett did.
The girls got him pretty good too.
Garrett got his first baby chick to care for.
He loved the way it felt and it's little peeping sound.
I hope you all have a wonderful week. I am behind in returning your visits, but I hope to visit you all very soon. Love, Kathi "A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal" Proverbs 12:10


luvmy4sons said...

Loved your update and pictures! What a blessed almost fairy book life you lead! I loved all the animal pictures and those of your children. My youngest has taken to always wearing a buzz cut! Blessings to you sweet sister!

Judy said...

Thanks for sharing your life with us Kathi. I have been wanting to get chickens and I think next spring if all goes well we will. I have a lot to learn about them tho.
Have a good week.

Rose of Sharon said...

Wow, life on the farm is great! I love all the pictures. You guys do have a wonderful, blessed, fun life! I LOVE Harrison's haircut! In some of the pictures of the water fight he looks like Grayson. I love that glass art piece that Victoria made, it is really cool. All your kids seem so happy and are so cute. I think it's neat that you and Stacey have been walking, that is so good for your heart and soul!

Love you!

Heather said...

so much fun! baby turkey's are too cute! great photos to capture all these memories.

Julieann said...

What a glorious month in pictures. Love the baby Turkeys, how cute!

...and the beware of cat made me giggle.

Your family is just beautiful!


Sue said...

Hi Kathi,
I am behind in my visiting too, as I have been off of the computer for a few weeks. I am so glad that today i am able to visit, I always enjoy visiting you and your family. I see so much and joy happiness in your part of the world, and the memories are going to last you all a lifetime especially through the tough times of life. Thank you for sharing with us.

Elena said...

How great for the kids to have farm animals to care for! I loved all the pictures and looks like you guys had a very fun and busy month! Take Care, Elena

Jocelyn said...

Wow you are so busy! I love the farm life updates !

Someday I'll have to drop by on our way down to the Big E.

I really liked the art piece your daughter made!

Joyce said...

Kids seem to love all those cute farm pets. Glad the bike accident was just a scrape.

Linda said...

I love all the pictures....your farm is wonderful and what a great place to grow up. You are blessed with sweet just makes me smile to see all the fun you have as a family...hugs, Linda


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