Hi Dad and Mom and blogging friends, We went to the beach during spring break. I just love that icy water on my toes.

Who can resist all those flavors of salt water taffy?

The famous salt water taffy boat full of candy. It's been there since I was a child. I love stuff like this. I want my children to experience the same things I did. Off to the Oregon Aquarium:

Our daughters, Jessica, Victoria, and son Garrett, and Victoria's friend Jordan inside the shark tunnel at the Oregon Aquarium. Stacey, my husband, and our other son Harrison were having fun at the dirt-bike and thrift stores.

Garrett found Nemo.

It's tradition to go to Mo's for lunch. They have wonderful seafood. Stacey and I love it and each other.

Our son Harrison and Victoria's friend Jordan waiting for their meal. The waitress paid us the best compliment parents want to hear. She said our kids were polite and friendly. She said it's a joy to serve them. They smile and speak respectfully. Our hearts were so happy to hear this.

We are so proud of the kids. They bring us such joy.

Oh the joy of being on the beach, even if it's cloudy.

Fun, fun fun...

More fun...

There is something so intriguing and inspiring about lighthouses. We went inside and learned many facts about them.

This one in Newport is the tallest.

As you can see behind me the rocky cliffs, which the lighthouse protected ships from during the night. It reminds me of the old song, "Jesus is the Lighthouse..." Jesus protects my life from life's sharp jagged rocks and keeps me safe from ship wrecking along the rough shore. He brings my life to safe harbors. He also provides my "boat" (life) with a rudder, motor and he is an anchor. He keeps my little "boat" (life) from drifting aimlessly.

What else did we do during spring break?

Harrison invited his friends over on a rainy Saturday afternoon for an air soft war out in the muddy shady thicket. They loved it. During breaks they came into the shop to warm up and eat.

Jessica, Victoria and their friend Abby helped us serve food to the boys. They were cheerful helpers.

We served baked beans, hot dogs, Mountain Dew and cake for dessert.

We cooked the food inside the house, but kept it hot sitting on top of the wood stove.

The boys came from several high schools, church, former homeschool groups and buddies from Washington, who we knew before living here. They were one happy bunch.

I had been looking for a boom box. Did you know they are hard to find? They are out-dated. Kids want i-pods instead, so I guess they are not making them anymore. Well I love them and wanted one with a Cd player, radio and tape recorder.

Don't 'cha just love Goodwill? Yep, I found this lovely little red perfect boom box for me for just $14.99 and it works! I'm so thankful for these bargain that God brings my way.

I decided to try orzo pasta. I cooked the noodles, then added fresh flat leaf parsley, Smart Balance, grated sharp white cheddar cheese, parmesan cheese and garlic.

I tossed it all together and "Wah La." It is very yummy.

As you can see behind Stacey, the old gate broke in two. This is not good if you have six large cows in your pasture.

They got right to work and replaced it.

Stacey said he appreciates Harrison's help so much.

It's spring here on the farm. I'm enjoying all these gorgeous blooms. Have a wonderful day. Love, Kathi style="color:#cc0000;">If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives liberaly and without reproach, and it will be given him." James 1:5
what a fun trip with the family & kids friends. everyone looks like they really enjoyed themselves. i love orzo! isn't it great?! you are a great mom and a great wife. your kids are a true reflection of you & your hubby. you should feel so proud!
What fun and what wonderful pictures. I think I would rather have had the boots on than the flip flops. lol
I do love the ocean though preferrably when the sand is hot.
Have a great week.
Hi Kathi... I'm so glad that I stopped by for a visit today. Thank you for this beautiful post. It always warms my heart 'n soul to visit with you! It was beyond perfect to be able to go to the Awesome Beach with you 'n your family via your blog! Lovely photos... I could smell the salt air 'n hear the waves lapping at the shoreline ♥ I do truly Love the Beach and have missed being able to visit there... I'm so happy that Spring Break was filled with fun, family, laughter, love, and blessings for y'all... Also, thank you, my friend, for your recent visit and your kind 'n supportive words and prayers... Please know that you're always in my thoughts, and you and your family remain in my prayers as well... I hope that your Easter Holiday was filled with more blessings and lots of chocolate!
God bless...
~hugs 'n prayers~
April ~ AUTISM Awareness Month~
Do take special care, and I'll be looking forward to your next post ♥
Love this song too. Thanks for the wonderful update. Always enjoy seeing what is going on in your family!
Wonderful update! Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. We will have to check out the Oregon Aquarium when Mary gets a little older:)
What great pictures....you all are having such fun. The aquarium looks awesome!
I love the ocean, everthing about it. I'm already looking forward to trips we have planned in in August and September.
I'm happy to see you posting and all is going well....hugs, Linda
It looks like you guys had such a great time! I love the lighthouse, it is so cool! Harrison's party looks like such fun! I bet all those guys couldn't believe it! That was a great idea keeping the food hot on the wood stove!
I hope you have a great week!
Love you! sharon
Wow what a fun Spring Break! The paintball party looked so fun!
We go to NEwport often and we always find new fun things to do !
You are brave to go there during Spring BReak! We avoid going to the condo during peak times !
too funny!
I am stopping by from SITS Saturday Sharefest. Best of luck to you in sharing what you've learned through the years to young mothers. We will be celebrating our 28th anniv. in a couple of weeks and we have five children that were raised with God's wisdom, grace and a sense of humor. By the way, I just love the taffy picture! :)
Looks like such fun, Kathi.
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