Sunday, March 15, 2009

Winter Happenings

Hi Dad and Mom, We've had a busy couple of weeks. Here are a few photos showing what we've been up to The river was covering the steps leading down to it after all that rain we had.
Lately Jessica and Garrett have been busy making cards.
I am very impressed with them. The other day Victoria needed a card for a gift she was giving. She asked if she could use one of these. After signing it, I said, "Do you like that card?" She said, "Yes, it's nice." Then I told her her sister had made it. She couldn't believe it.
Stacey made breakfast for all of us last Saturday. We had our friends staying with us from New Mexico.
Walt and Cathie have been our friends for about 20 years. We really enjoy having them stay with us when they travel through.
Victoria had a free period along with her lunch time. I picked her up at school and took her to Burger King. We got cups with ice and poured our own Pepsi from the can into them.
We had fun taking pictures with our Burger King crowns.
Next we shopped for track shoes. We ended up getting a regular cross trainer for running with Stacey after school. Victoria decided to take guitar lessons one night a week rather than go out for track five and have practice times a week.. Garrett had a friend over for the afternoon. I played "Operation" with them. We had a great time.
In other news, I planted my tomatoes and peppers. I might be two weeks late in doing this, but I think it will be fine. I used an egg carton and some dirt from the garden. I keep them inside at a sunny window. I spray them with water to keep them moist. I will plant them in the garden AFTER Memorial Day.
We certainly enjoyed your visit with us Dad a few weeks ago.
I picked Jessica up from school and did something similar. She had her orthodontist appointment so we decided to get some really good ice cream afterwards.
Sometimes her teeth hurt after her braces are tightened, so ice-cream helps. I love spending time like this with our kids.
It finally quit raining so Garrett and I decided to take a bike ride after school.
We enjoy this time together.
The pond was pretty full from all the rain we've been having. We rode about two miles. I was out of breath, but it felt good exercise. Harrison went riding dirt bikes with some friends for the afternoon.
Harrison came home looking like this. He and his dirt bike were covered in mud. Just look at the caked on mud. He learned how to use the washing machine, especially the rinse cycle first, then a regular wash with detergent. It's good for a boy to learn these things.
Victoria wanted to make a pillow case for her friend's birthday, so I showed her how.
It's simple. You use one yard of flannel fabric. After shrinking the fabric, we sewed two sides and left an opening for the pillow. We made a three inch hem.
She is happy with the results. It's a Coke pattern. Her friend Abby loved it.
Stacey has been feeding the cows grain. It makes the meat taste more to our liking.
We have three Black Angus cows, which we will butcher in May.
Stacey and Harrison played football several sunny afternoons.
I actually made a home-made pizza crust and added all the toppings. The family loved it.
I am adding this photo late. I took it in November. Garrett got to take "Betty the Beaver" home for the week-end.
She had hot cocoa with him and she went to church with us. Garrett wrote about his experiences with her in the class diary and included the above photos.

Victoria and I made tacos for dinner together. I love doing this. we turn up her music pretty loud and sing along. "Keep me safe, O God, for in You I take refuge. I said to the LORD, 'You are my Lord; apart from You I have no good thing." Psalm 16:1-2


Sue said...

Hi Kathi,
Thank you for sharing your week and your family, I so enjoy reading about it!! I am always so blessed when i see parents spending such quality time with their children,The kind of memories that they will carry with them through the good times and the hard times. You and Sharon are so refreshing, and I know I have told you this before.

What a great idea to put this up for your parents to see, we don't get to see our family that often, because they live so far away, and this would be such a treat for us. thank you for sharing.

Lady Farmer said...

Kathi ~
I am so sorry about your friends loss. I will be praying for them and you.
It looks like you have been so busy with family and friends. And spring isn't even here yet! I can't think of a better way to spend our time. It is so precious, after all.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathi... I really enjoyed this post, and catching up with you 'n all that's been going on in your world... So nice to see so many smiling faces... Your girls are beautiful and the guys are so handsome... glad that your son learned how to do laundry... we taught both of our boys the same, and it's been a big help. The pillowcase gift was cute, and a neat idea for teens girls to give for a gift... I hope 'n pray that you've been well, and that the upcoming Spring season greets you with warmth and kindness...
God bless...

~hugs, love ♥ 'n prayers~


luvmy4sons said...

You have such a lovely busy and full of life and good things!

Judy said...

I enjoyed reading what you have been up to. The pillowcase turned out cute and the pizza yummy. My family loves homemade pizza.
Have a good week Kathi.

Michelle said...

Hi Kathi ~ Thanks for sharing your family and all the activities with everyone...I just love have such a beautiful family!

Thanks for coming by and leaving such an encouraging are so sweet and I appreciate your friendship! Just wish we all lived closer so we could get together in real life :)

Have a wonderful week, Kathi!


My Grandkids ROCK said...

Just popping in to say hi. Have a great week. Baseball games start this week so I'm sure it will rain!!!! Tata for now, Pam

Elena said...

Kathi, I just love reading about your families activities. So great!

Deb said...

Hi Kathi! I enjoyed your days with the kids. We've had a lot of rain too. I think today will be our last for the rest of the week. Take care! Deb

Heather said...

You all have a wonderful family. I love reading your updates! Great photos of all your latest adventures! Oh my mother in law was very thankful that I shared your hummingbird food recipe with her! She is going to try yours when she is ready to fill her feeders.

Dana said...

You inspire me to be a better mom:)

Unknown said...

Kathi, I always enjoy perusing your daily doings. I would love it if you, Jessica, and Victoria could meet up with me in Portland some time. Maybe we could have lunch and then walk through some book stores, etc. downtown? I rarely go downtown, so it would really be a treat for me!

Winging It said...

What a beautiful life! Sweet kids! I love those cards your daughter is making! And the pillow case! What a neat idea! Very clever. I can't sew a stitch (sad, I know) but things like that dare me to try, try again!

Awesome that you are raising your own beef! I know what you mean about the grain - it truly odes impoact the flavor.

Thanks for such a lovely post!


Sherry said...

What a wonderful and busy week!

Do you love your life...I do mine and we do about the same things.

My kids are older and I just wish we could do it all again...most days! LOL

Cottage Contessa said...

Hi Kathi! Sweetie I really love these type of posts. Family is everything to me, and that's what I love about you too. Awesome! Have a wonderful week sweet friend.
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

nannykim said...

Sounds like you have been very busy; but blessed with lots of warm family things ;-)

Anonymous said...

I love these posts, Kathi! YUMMO to that ice cream!!!!!!

A Romantic Porch said...

Kathi, What a precious posting. I've been praying for you. xorachel

j said...

The cards were awesome! Card making is fun and I find that I can finish one much quicker than a scrapbook page.

You all have been so busy!!

Linda said...

Hi Kathi, loved reading and seeing all the pictures of your week. You have a wonderful family and I loved seeing all the activities you enjoy doing together. Hugs, Linda

p.s. We used to play Operation many years was so fun...totally forgot about it....L

Charlotte said...

Looks to me like you have a wonderful life. I don't know how you find any time at all to blog but I'm glad you do.


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