Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I'm Thankful For My Cookie Sheets!

I'm writing this post to defend my dear sister Sharon, and her cookie sheets. Not that she needs me to defend her, but I want to anyway. Someone criticized her old cookie sheets and called them disgusting. Well, please look at mine in this picture below:
Last summer I did a post about how I freeze my blueberries on cookie sheets like this. At the time I realized how yucky the sheets looked, but I thought, well, this is the real me. These really are the cookie sheets I use regularly. Why should I buy brand new ones for my blog?
Seriously, if I thought I must have shiny sparkling cookie sheets, than I would have to buy new ones every six months. I use them so often they begin to tarnish right away, yet they work just fine. I do try to be frugal and I would like to be honest as much as I can be with my photos.

So if you are offended by my cookie sheets, please understand why they look this way and that I'm really being smart with the money I have. I'm very thankful I own these. Here is a batch of cookies I made yesterday. Yes, on those same tarnished cookie sheets. I will admit that the cookies do not slide right off, but with a little help from a pancake turner they do come off somewhat easily. This is just one of those ordinary things that I use in my home. Please, whoever left the comment on Sharon's blog, I'm not mad at you. I just want you to understand why some things are the way they are, and that there is logic behind it and frugality, not something that is disgusting. It also shows that these cookie sheets are being used often. Have a great day. Kathi


onlymehere said...

I guess I'm shocked that someone would leave a comment like that. With Pampered Chef stones when they're seasoned they're darker and "uglier" as they say in the presentation. I think they look better. I'm frugal too and if they work I still use them. I'm sorry that happened to Sharon. People are cruel sometimes. This person should have just clicked away from the page and never left a comment if that's what they felt like. There's never a good reason to hurt someone else in this way. Besides every time you froze blueberries you'd have to buy new cookie sheets and that would be plain foolishness. Life's too short for this nonsense. I personally love your frugality and your blog.

Rose of Sharon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jocelyn said...

You go get 'm sister !

Heather said...

i agree with you! i actually like the cookie sheets that have the worn look to them like yours. It makes me think of my grandmother's sheets!

adsgram said...

As I wrote to Sharon, mine are 37 years old, and they work just fine! I would be so sad (and embarassed) if all the blogs only showed the 'sweet, tidy and shiny' parts of your lives. Give us honest and real every time. The ones who live differently can read something else on "cookie baking and blueberry freezing days", I guess!

Sisters are the best...


Kathi said...

Thank you Lynne, I cannot comment back to your blog so I will here. I appreciate your supportive comment. Kathi

pam said...

That's called love around the edges. Our oldest borrowed one of mine and didn't really pay attention to how it looked before she used it...she said she scrubbed for 20 minutes to get it back to it's totally shiny place. I don't know what to do with it now that it looks so pretty. :) There will always be people who have many unique personality issues that really can't be dealt with online. I think it's great that she sensed God's prompting to pray for them. You girls are so cool.

Gombojav Tribe said...

I guess yours look nicer than mine, which is currently soaking in the sink because of some cakes on grease from hamburgers.


Judy said...

As I told Sharon too, I had someone bring my something on a couple of cookie sheets and told me NOT to scrub them...her father was a baker and said that things bake better when the sheets have baked on residue left on them. So Sharons, yours and my cookie sheets are just how they are supposed to be.
The best cooks are the messy cooks :)
and sisters ROCK!!!

karen said...

Gosh Kathi.
I didn't even know that cookie sheets were supposed to be shiny!
All of mine look like yours & Sharon's. They were my grandmother's and I would never scrub them--I just give them a quick swish in the dishpan.
You sisters rock!

Kathi said...

Karen, Thank you for your supportive comment. I can't reply on your blog, but wanted to thank you here. Kathi

luvmy4sons said...

Someone who has cookie sheets that are as silver as they were the day they bought them either doesn't bake very often or wastes WAY too much time scrubbing them with SOS pads...live and let live! Hugs to you sweet sister! I won't even show you mine! AAARGH!

Dana said...

I think we all should post pictures of our cookie sheets in support of Sharon:) Those cookies looked yummy.

Sue said...

Hi Kathi,
I laughed and laughed, I thought I was looking at my cookie sheets. I think we should have a day where we all show our cookie sheets, and the one whose is burnt the most gets the award!!! I am proud of mine too because I know that when I baked cookies or anything else that I added a secret ingredient which was love.You girls keep baking wtih your pans, besides new ones don't brown as well. Have a great week,

BittersweetPunkin said...

I know Kathi...I read Sharon's post....well worn cookie sheets do tell a story about the person who owns them....lots of goodies were baked with LOVE.

I remember when my kids were smaller and we lived in Colorado...we had a lil hill in our backyard and whenever it snowed my kids would like to go sledding...their favorite sled of choice....my cookie sheets!! That's when their little tushies were small and would fit on the sheets...so my cookie sheets are WELL SEASONED.


Unknown said...

I have been married for 28 years and I still use my Moms old cookie sheets she gave me when I got married. Who kows howold they are!
I have her muffin pan and well and it is black and nothing sticks to it! A few years ago I let my neighbor use it and she returned it all bright and shiny. She told me she scrubed and scrubed it ! She probably thought it was disgusting. It took me for ever to get it right again.

Connie said...

I can't even begin to tell you how much amusement I got from Sharon's anonymous cookie sheet comment. If that's the worst thing someone can say about you is that you love God and actually USE your cookie sheets...hmmm. I believe they call it "seasoned" when they look like our cookie sheets...and besides- Nothin' says lovin' like fresh baked cookies from the oven. You are a great sister for posting pics of yours. I think I will have to post pictures of mine too.Just keepin' it real.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh my goodness...

OK, I am guilty of being way behind with my visits with Sharon, but for sure need to wiggle my way over to her place to check this out... LOL

How very sad that anyone would take the time to leave a cruel comment... I think whoever did that needs to bake more cookies!

The cookie sheets and muffin tins in our kitchen look like yours... perhaps a wee bit more used/ugly... But the cookies that my Husband bakes on them always taste wonderful to the boys! I so totally agree with you about saving our money by not purchasing shiny new things when we truly do not need them... This past Summer during a visit to the Good Will, we found a brand new oven roasting pan set! I can't tell you how excited we both got... LOL ... Yes, we did purchase it for a total of $1 ... otherwise, he'd still be using the one we had...

I love how you came to Sharon's side in this matter... Sister's are Awesome! Though my own sister lives very far away from me, we know we can always count on each other for love and support...

God bless...

~hugs, love ♥ 'n prayers~


Rosemary said...

You and sharon are so funny! LOL! And anyone who worrys about a dark cookie sheet is a weirdo in my book! My cookie sheets look worse than this one, and i assure you they are clean! LOL! My cookie sheets have been around many many years as i'm sure yours and sharons have. People really need to get a life if they worry about cookie sheets! LOL!

Rosemary said...

You and sharon are so funny! LOL! And anyone who worrys about a dark cookie sheet is a weirdo in my book! My cookie sheets look worse than this one, and i assure you they are clean! LOL! My cookie sheets have been around many many years as i'm sure yours and sharons have. People really need to get a life if they worry about cookie sheets! LOL!

Anonymous said...

My sister in law stayed with my mother for a whole summer once. While my mother was at work s.i.l. scrubbed and scoured away years of blackened seasoning on my Mom's sheet pans. My Mom cried and said really you shouldn't have! S.i.l. gave her a big hug and said but I wanted to. My Mom didn't have the heart to tell her why she was really crying. (It was that she loved her well seasoned pans.) I don't know the commenter you were referring to but they were probably young and unexperienced with such matters. I love your pans!


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