Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I Found This On My Washing Machine

This picture tells a story. This is a pair of scissors left on top of the washing machine along with Silly Putty stuck to some pieces of hair. The hair has been cut out from some body's head. This is one of the plights of a mother. This kind of evidence usually shows up a day before school picture day. Go ahead and laugh ye who have no children yet or are past the age where this happens. I can laugh now, knowing he didn't do too much damage to his hair do. I praise God that I get to discover this cute little mess, knowing I cherish the little one who left it. I pray he grows up to be a responsible person, who looks before he leaps, thinks before he does, and trust in the Lord with all his heart. Thanks Garrett, for making me smile with all the cute things you do. Thank you God, for giving this child to me.


pam said...

That's pretty funny.

Beth said...

Aww, you have such a good attitude. I think I would have flown off the handle if I had seen that. LOL. My kids are beyond that phase of life and to be honest with you, I kinda miss it.

Sarah Vertner said...

oh no! Can you tell? I've tried warning my kids and made sure to point out kids who obviously attempt their own hair cuts. I don't want to say that we haven't had a scissors incident yet, for fear that I would jinx myself... so I won't say anything and just hope and pray I don't have the story to share later.

Rose of Sharon said...

That's so funny! Garrett's a cutie!I'm glad he didn't do too much damage to his hair!

Kids....ya gotta love em!

Love, Sharon

Gina said...

Been there. Done that. The first time was a 5 year old who snipped tiny pieces off around the TOP of her ponytail. The 2nd was a 6 year old boy who wanted to try out his dad's shaver- which is a pair of tiny hair clippers. The third was a girl who cut the lock of hair that kept hanging in her eye- TWICE. The oldest never did it, and the youngest hasn't tried yet.

Patina said...

Hair, silly putty, sheets, boy have I been there or should I say my child and I have been there.

luvmy4sons said...

Isn't it funny that they don't know enough to cover their tracks?! Precious! Your are a great mom!

Michelle said...

Oh, that's funny :) You've got a great attitude about it - some moms would've gotten really mad. I'm sitting here trying to remember if any of the kids really did a number on their hair with scissors and I guess they didn't 'cause I can't recall - either that or my memory is failing me! ha ha

Happy Wednesday to you!

Heather said...

oh my goodness, i would have a heart attack if i found that here, lol. great job at being so relaxed about it!

Linda said...

This made me smile and reminded me of so many years ago...gum in my daughters...and she helpfully cut it out:)...hugs, lInda

Jan Parrish said...

We mother's are sneaky and have ways to discover these things. LOL.

Judy said...

Oh my, I've seen that happen a time or two in my home. The good thing is hair grows back if it's too bad.

onlymehere said...

This looks like a page from my book of my life! Kids....good thing we love them! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Tooo Cute...


You're a fabulous Mom with awesome children... my oldest never did the hair-cutting thing as a child, but does cut his own hair today... and also cuts his brother's hair... now, as far as the youngest goes, and his childhood hair-cutting episodes....... well, perhaps those stories are best left to be shared via email... I can say this - Silly Putty was never in any of our hair-stories! Thanks for the great photo and for sharing about Garrett... I so needed to chuckle 'n smile! Hope your day is wonderful, my friend... God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~


Dana said...

He handled the problem himself and that is a good sign:)

Tanya Ross said...

That is so true. I remember seeing this at my house and freaking out. But in time I relaxed and just went with the groove. Thank the Lord it was not a whole head of hair. Tanya


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