"He's alive and I'm forgiven, Heavens gates are open wide...." "...He has risen! Remember how He told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again." Luke 24:6 Have a blessed Easter ~ Kathi
Happy Easter Kathi!
Praise the Lord He is Risen! I am so thankful for Jesus' sacrifice and because of Him we are forgiven and have everlasting life!!!
I am getting ready to jump in the shower for church. I am wearing cream colored slacks, cream open toed pumps, a cream shell with a lavender silky long light weight jacket. I am wearing all my pretty lavender and silver jewlry.
Eric's family are all coming over today at 2:00. I am preparing a ham, mashed potatoes & gravy and the relish trays. They are all bringing the rest. I fell ready. The boys got their traditional chocolate bunny with a marble Easter egg.
Are you cooking today? Are you doing an Easter egg hunt for Garrett? No hunts for us this year :0( the kids are all too big.
I hope you have a blessed day with your family!
I love you! Sharon
Praise the Lord!!! He has Risen indeed!
I hope that you had a wonderful Resurrection Sunday.
Be blessed.
Hallelujah! He IS Risen!!! Happy Resurrection Day to you and your family.
I love this photo. I have it up here at home. It was Gramma's.
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