I'd like to show and tell a very special birthday card I recieved when I was 6 years old. It came from my best friend Stacey, who was a boy who lived down the street from me.
"Therefore what God has joined together, let no man separate." Mark 10:9 I'm so thankful that God brought us together. I love my husband. Have a blessed day ~Kathi
Inside you can see his name writen. This is very special to me because when Stacey grew up he called me on the phone. He also came to see me. He asked me if I remembered him. I said that I sure did remember, and that I still had a birthday card from him as well as a picture of the two of us on the front steps. He said he had a copy of that same picture of the two of us on the steps. Which leads me to show you item number two for my show and tell, our wedding announcement!This the picture of the two of us when we were four and five, which we both saved over the years. We used it for our wedding announcement. On the front it says, Stacey and Kathi; we liked each other then.." When you open up the announcement it shows a picture of the two of us sitting on that same front porch....
That is one of the best love stories ever! I remember you guys playing together and I remember how years later after Stacey had moved away you wrote in your diary (not that I was snooping or anything - LOL - actually you read it to me) you wrote a prayer to God about what kind of man you desired to marry, he was kind, gentle, loved the Lord, was tall, blond, blue eyed and a cowboy......and guess who came knocking on the door!!!!
Praise God for your beautiful friendship and marriage! You are truly blessed!
Love, Your sister Sharon
Oh my goodness, reading this sent chills down my arms...what a wonderful, loving, love story!!!! That was a fantastic SnT.
My Show N Tell is shared. Hope you can drop by and leave a comment. I love visitors you know. :o)
This is WONDERFUL!!!! Thanks for sharing such a sweet story.
What a sweet story and what a unique wedding invitation!
What a wonderful show and tell! So sweet you have the card and the photo of both of you on the steps. I think you are due another photo on the steps!
Oh I love your story!
I always enjoy hearing how couples met.
And how special that you saved that card and had that picture of the two of you.
My dh and I met when he was 10 and I was 14. We kept in touch (lived 1000 miles apart) through the years...though I had no intention of marrying him - he was too young! And I wanted to be married at 18 - so no way would that work out.
Well I was still single when he finished college - and he was single - and so we got married....more to the story but that is the quick version.
Kathi, Your show and tell brought tears to my eyes! What a beauftiful story and pictures! God has truly blessed you both.
Thank you for leaving your comment on my show & tell today. I too was born in 1960 and feel the same way you do about the people who lived during the war years in the 40's; they did pull together for the greater good. It is sad to think that that may not be the case today, even thought I am sure there are many that would.
Have a great week.
Kathi what a wonderful romantic story! Thank you for visiting me at my S&T post!
That is just the most precious thing I have read in a very long time--how cool is that!!!!
That is one of the sweetest stories I've ever heard! How great that you have the card and the photo. Wonderful...
That is just toooo cool!!!! Really amazing. What a cute couple you are - then and now :-)
Love your blog!
That is the best show and tell today. I love it. I'm so happy that I stopped by to see what you posted. Thanks so much for sharing.
That is a wonderful love story! I love hearing stories like that. I just started reading your blog and loving it. Thanks ~Jolene
Well gracious, if that doesn't make me all gushy I don't know what will!! What a great story God created with you two.
What a great story, and great pictures. Thank you for the comments you made on my Show & Tell. It made my day. Seeing your Show & Tell made my day all over again.
Hi Kathi, wow.. what a wonderful love story between you and Stacey...It made my day reading about true love .You are such a cute couple.Your wedding invitation is the best one I have ever seen..thanks for your visit to my S&T Friday..I loved my navy blue cape that I had in nursing school..It kept me very warm..I will be back to visit you again.. Baba
Oh my goodness, what an amazing and sweet story! I love the pictures and how you used them for your wedding announcement. Very romantic!
Oh Kathi, this is the BEST show and tell that I have seen yet. You two are a beautiful couple. I am going to go to bed on this post because I feel very happy right now. Will make for pleasant dreams! Isn't it neat how we ladies find joy when we here a really good love story? I too have been blessed with a man that I cherish. god is just so GOOD! - Jennifer
WOW!! That is wonderful! Holy Cow...and you still have that lil card....
I dated my DH when I was 14 turning 15 and I wrote his name in my bible...we re~met and married when I was 26!
I loved your post today!!
What a great story. You made my day. Thanks for sharing this wonderful part of your life.
What a wonderful story! It's so neat that you still have the birthday card as well as the picture of you two sitting on the steps together at such a young age. Thanks for sharing such a fun story. :)
ahhh what a sweet story...
(thanks for stopping by :o)
This is with out a doubt the best love story I have ever heard! Thanks for sharing your awesome story sweetie!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
Fabulous show & tell.... such a cute story :-) and such a cute hubby lol
I wish I would of met my husband
earlier. What a romantic story,
and the Casper card, soooo cute!
I also liked the post before show
and tell, very inspirational and REAL words, thank you for them.
This is one of the sweetest show & tells ever. Thank you so very much for sharing!!
Somehow I missed this S&T. I'm so glad I found it now, it is GREAT!! A wonderful love story! How neat that you kept the card, and the picture was great for the engagement announcement! I love the way you are looking at him in the childhood photo!
Thanks for sharing this!
What a sweet story! I love a good romance.
Oh my gosh! I think I am going to cry. That may be one of the best stories I have ever heard.
May God continue to bless your marriage, family, and your friendship.
Oh my, now I'm weepy. What a lovely story and what a lovely couple!
Hug him tight!!
Are you kidding me!!!???? That is the BEST story I have ever ever heard in my life, I just love it. How many people can say that about the man they married, or have a picture of the two of you at such an early age. I am just fascinated by this!!! Many many blessings to the both of you!
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