Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Apple Cider Using Our Amish Cider-Press

We have an apple orchard. What do we do with all those apples? We make applesauce, apple pie filling, and apple cider of course.
Saturday morning we decided to get out the cider-press and make as much as we had time for.
After picking fresh apples and washing them we put them in the hopper.
We take turns turning the grinder. Here is our daughter Jessica taking a turn at the wheel.
Next we press those ground apples into juice.
Our son Harrison takes a turn at the press.
We use fresh picked apples. Our daughter Jessica and I were the pickers this morning.
Here comes the juice.
We continually change the containers as they fill up quickly.
Now our daughter Victoria helps
We ended up with 20 gallons this morning.
This is me going back out for more apples.
We use clean milk jugs for cider and store them in the freezer. My husband Stacey delivered jugs to several of our neighbors.
Garrett enjoys the taste. There really is nothing like the taste of fresh cider. Have a great day, ladies. Love, Kathi"Strengthen me with raisins, refresh me with apples." Song of Songs 2:5


Gina said...

Oh, I miss that taste. My grandpa had a commercial cider press. We grew up drinking grandpa's fresh unpasturized apple cider.

Linda said...

Your apples are so beautiful and all the cider looks so delicious...I can just tastes it. Yum. Hugs, Linda

pam said...

WOW, I just bought our first jug from a local orchard. My husband's favorite is to have Nutter Butter cookies with fresh cider. That's what he has when he donates blood---he's like a little kid. I should buy some extra and put in our freezer. YUM

christa jean said...

Oooh, I was almost drooling thinking about a glass of that juice. Can I come buy some from you?! ;-D
What a fun family tradition!

Michelle said...

Wow, Kathi, that is so cool...I've only been on field trips to the apple orchard to watch them make cider...and there you all are doing it yourself! I enjoyed seeing that! I'll bet your cider was just delicious :)

As you know, our daughter Taylor is doing seasonal work at one of the local orchards here. She picks apples but likes the job of sorting them better :)

Have a great week, K!


A Romantic Porch said...

OH Yum Kathi, I love, love, love apple cider, but I have never had freshly squeezed (or is it pressed?) cider. I'd love to try it! xo rachel

Lady Farmer said...

We made cider a few weeks ago,too! There is nothing like the taste of fresh squeezed apple cider. I love donuts with mine.(Hey, I love donuts with anything or without anything :~} ) Guess I'll have to make some of those also. Gentleman Farmer got me a cider press for Christmas a few years ago, but I think it was really for him!*wink*
Crisp Fall Blessings,

Elena said...

Wow, that is so cool that you have an apple orchard! My folks had 2 apple trees when I was growing up. We didn't have a press, but my mom took it to place that did it. We just loved the juice. It tasted like liquid apples.

Dana said...

Kathi, you and your family are so blessed!!! Did you know that they want 6 dollars a gallon for apple cider at the store. Do you make apple jelly, yum;)

Simply Heart And Home said...


Do you sell your cider too?


luvmy4sons said...

I sure wish I was your neighbor! LOL! Gorgeous-delicious!

cherished*vintage said...

Hi Kathi! This is such a neat family tradition. Your freezer must be huge! What a treat, I can just taste it. Mmmm

Sondra said...

That is so neat!! How yummy that must be.

Jennifer said...

Just wondering? What do you do with the leftover apple pulp?

Kathi said...

Jennifer, The pulp goes two places; the garden and to the cows.

The cows love it, but we have to be careful not to over feed. They can get belly aches.


Anonymous said...

Kathi... I just loved this post! Thank you for taking the time to share your photos and stories... I always come away feeling so much better after a visit with you! God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~



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