Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas Eve with My Parents and an Update of Me

Our family drove down to see my parents on Christmas Eve. We all came except our oldest son Harrison, who was sick with a fever and chills. I love you Dad and Mom!
I'm always glad when our Garrett can spend time with you Grandpa.
 I'm sad that you are both in pain; Daddy with sciatic nerve pain from your lower back to your knee, and Mom headaches, weakness and dizziness. I'm sad to see you hurting like this. You are on our prayer list.  I'm so glad I got to see you Christmas Eve.
I'm glad our three younger children could visit on this day too.
When we got home I changed into my tried and true holiday shirt, which still fits me. I made a stir fry for dinner. Look at the wall behind my stove. This was an early Christmas present for me from my dear husband. I just love it. It's that fake tile, which can be placed right over the top of torn wallpaper.
Also, I made some rice.  The post before this dealt with my being down and beginning my exercise program. My goal is not to get thin. I do have about 3 yucky inches around my waist, which I'd be glad to lose, but my true goal is to be fit and healthy. I am eating my usual food. I have not changed my diet. I eat the five food groups. I do try to eat the fat from real peanut butter, avocados, almonds and fish rather than other fats. I have done this for years. I still eat a snack or two of good chocolate and maybe a cookie. The main thing I am doing is getting up and moving and staying on the treadmill for at least 40 minutes every day, sometimes morning and evening. I can't tell you how much better I am feeling inside and out. The day these pictures ware taken I was still down and sad, but I am feeling cheerful now. Praise God! Oh, and can't forget the olives. I love love love olives; especially the purple kind. I eat those in moderation. The fat is the good kind a body needs.

"Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10

Blessings, Kathi


Rose of Sharon said...

It was nice of you to visit Mom and Dad on Christmas Eve. It was fun having our early Christmas gathering the week before and I was worried about them being alone on the 24th. I LOVE your new back splash!!! It's so beautiful and looks like it's from the turn of the century. It's perfect there. I'm glad you are feeling better sister dear! I love you!

Happy New Year!!!!

Elena said...

Happy New Year Kathi! I am so glad you are feeling better. I was just thinking and telling my sister how your blog was the one that lead me to a wonderful circle of Christian ladies to share my life with. You have been a wonderful blessing in my life:)


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